February 22, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Updates galore

marcus rogers snake lies
In the past four weeks, Marcus has been busy This will be a quick overview of several events with more in depth info to follow.

photo attribution: You tube channel Revealing Truth video “Marcus Rogers Pulled a Snake out of a Woman’s Back”

1) Thank you Allen Parr. Allen Parr, an online “pastor” made a video making general references to types of channels to avoid. Marcus, though not mentioned by name, took personal offense and made a response video, in which he basically said Allen Parr did not have the Spirit of God because “God told him that Allen Parr had never spoken in tongues” Allen Parr then asked him to do a live conversation a few days later. The result of that was that Marcus exposed himself once again as a false prophet. Allen Parr asked him about his info about tongues and said he had indeed spoken in tongues in the past, but he no longer does. Marcus tried to deflect by saying Allen misstated something in a text. Nevertheless, Marcus acknowledged that Allen was a brother and did indeed have the Spirit of God in him. Allen Parr called Marcus a brother in Christ at least twice and commended Marcus for his love for God, even though Marcus had not recanted his doctrine of salvation through works, the evidence being the manifestation of speaking in tongues.

This caught the attention of a multitude of Youtube content creators, who all responded to call out both Marcus and Parr for using their large platforms to promote a false gospel. In the past 3 weeks, there have been hundreds of videos, several every day, since then, that address this.

It is high time that social media users, especially those in the body of Christ, do a better job policing and calling out the blatant false teaching of heretics like Rogers. Allen may not have intended to do this but he began a good thing. However, for his ongoing role as one who refuses to acknowledge a heretical teacher of a false gospel, he has earned the title of Heretic Hugger from this website. Please, Allen, repent and we will take it all down!

2) The Snake Exorcism Part of the backlash of this event included a surprising video the very next day, where Marcus told a long dramatic story complete with pictures, of how he had pulled a snake out of a woman’s back during a “deliverance” at his church. He offered no proof, so those making videos had another reason to call him out. It was particularly interesting because he made very pointed remarks about how Parr had told him that using Mark 16 18-19 to justify speaking in tongues meant he should be able to handle snakes as well.

3) The Ark. Marcus once again provided an easy target on his back by posting another video talking about how God told him his church was going to be an ark to save thousands (the ceiling is wooden and shaped like an upside down boat)

4) A Crazy Baptism Several days later Marcus posted a video of a very chaotic baptism of a man who said he drove all the way from Texas to be at Firehouse for his baptism. This of course prompted another round of videos in response.

5) Apostle Marcus! Several days later, at an event in Texas “Apostle” Johnathan Ferguson gave a long “prophetic word” over Marcus, with the crowd screaming and shouting in agreement. Ferguson told the world that Marcus would heal the sick and raise the dead. He made several direct comparisons to Jesus and called him an apostle.

6) Saiko is coming for you Marcus. All of this nonsense led many to call Marcus out, including veteran Youtube watchman Saiko Woods, who reached out to Marcus multiple times to converse with him Marcus refused and called Saiko a “nobody” and a homosexual. Saiko is not ok with this slander and is determined to refute Marcus at every turn and expose real corruption where it is found, in Marcus Rogers’s house. Stay tuned, there is a real storm coming now.