Video of the Day
Perry Stone- The Glory Has Departed-The Unction
Ray Curry from The Unction gives a brilliant Master class on how to rebuke a Wolf. Perry Stone serves as the example.
- David Wilkerson on Exposing False Teachers

Today’s video is a sermon jam that speaks to the burden of this blog with...
- The Watchmen: Who are they and why should we care?
At The Apostasy Files, being watchmen on the wall is our passion, whether anyone reads or listens or heeds to any truth found on this page, we have faithfully done our best to present the truth. Let no one be unwarned of the dangers of false teachers and their works of darkness. If only one soul is saved it is all worth it and God is rightfully glorified
- Is it wrong to call out false teachers?
In our current politically correct culture, it seems the church has become prone to following an "11th commandment"-Thou shalt always be nice. But this is nowhere in the Bible. It's more important to shine the light of the gospel into the darkness, especially when it is entering our church.