March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

TB Joshua- The Exposure and Aftermath

A new BBC documentary is shaking up the false teacher/"demon slayers". TB Joshua left a legacy of sin and trauma that will have repercussions for many years to come. A warning to his followers.

TB Joshua- the Exposure and the Aftermath

This month, BBC Africa premiered a three part documentary exposing the late TB Joshua, a Nigerian self proclaimed minister and internationally renowned for a ministry of miracles and healings. (Links below)

In his testimony video, he explains that as a young man he went to a prayer mountain for 40 days of fasting to seek the face of God.  At that time he claimed he had a vision of the apostles and God Himself telling him he has been divinely appointed to teach the word.  No mention is made of how he came to seek or follow God nor if he had repented of sin and believed in Christ for forgiveness of sin. He doesn’t mention any spiritual or biblical training, mentorship or accountability.  These are common threads among so many false teachers.  

Joshua died two years ago of undisclosed causes, and since then, several former members of his ministry have come forward with serious testimonies of sexual abuse, financial misuses,  and spiritual exploitation using faked miracles. Perhaps the most disturbing allegation is the events surrounding the catastrophic collapse of his high rise building, due to his negligence and his lack of response to the victims. Over 100 people died in the catastrophe. A Nigerian court found him guilty but no sentence was imposed before his death.

He was very popular among other false teachers, having been endorsed by the likes of Vlad Savchuk, Lovy Elias, Passion Java, Daniel Adams,  Ed Citronelli and others.  Some of these have come out since the documentary still supporting Joshua.  Joshua’s ministry like others that endorse him, point the attention to themselves, and their ministries which they claim are validated by large numbers of people, and lead people away from the central message of the gospel, the cross of Christ and salvation through faith, and lead people toward seeking first miracles and signs, not the Kingdom of God. 

If you have not seen the documentary, I would highly recommend it.  Over the years, many false teachers have been exposed, with similar stories of vast depravity and corruption behind the scenes.  

Documentary Pt. 1    • DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, Ep …  

Documentary Pt. 2    • DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, Ep …  

Documentary Pt. 3    • DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, Ep …  

One of the fruits of this aftermath is the subsequent exposure of those who still defend TB Joshua
Some good follow up content:
    • This video by Men of Destiny/The Love Agenda  Brother Rob covers Alexander Pagani’s response, and Daniel Adams’ weak defense of TB Joshua.
  • Video by Fighting for the Faith- Chris Rosebrough gives his concise and firm exposition on the effects of TB Joshua and his depraved legacy of destruction among his followers and imitators.  
  • Video by Corey Minor of Smart Christian Life Channel

TB Joshua’s Legacy?

As I have been hearing many times from various coverage of the BBC documentary- how sad it is that it is up to the world to call out and stand against corruption in the church.  This blog fully supports those who call out not only the doctrines but the orthodoxy (right application Of God’s word in daily living) of false teachers and their ministries. It is rare for there not to be corruption behind the scenes of false teachers, who are wolves in sheeps’ clothing looking to exploit the word of God for gain.
It should not be up to the world to do the “dirty work” of exposing the dark corruption below the surface of false teaching  ministries. Ephesians 5 :11 is very clear about that.  Something that has become apparent to me over the years is that it often takes exposing the evil works of blatant ongoing sin to open the eyes of those who are convinced that the “man of God” they follow and defend is actually clearly not blessed and anointed by the true God of Scripture. And only then do they begin to question the false teachings.
 To be sure, not all false teachers who once supported Joshua still do but the fact that they ignore their fellow heretics’ continued support speaks volumes.  Marcus Rogers just published his reaction, clearly condemning the actions of Joshua, but the next day, reaffirms his support for Vlad Savchuk as a man of God.   I’d love for him to make that make sense.