March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Rogers Teaming Up with Benny Hinn supporter Matt Cruz


Despite still being in the military, Rogers has announced a series of evangelism rallies across the country with Matt Cruz.  Cruz is a non credentialed, self appointed evangelist who specializes in faith healing.  Despite professing Oneness (denial of the Trinity) and attending a church that teaches Oneness (Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Alsip, IL) Cruz boasts of receiving an “anointing” from Benny Hinn, and also claims to have been given a large cash donation by Kenneth Copeland. While both Copeland and Hinn teach heretical views of the Gospel, neither affirm Oneness.  Cruz points out in his post with Benny Hinn that they all recognize that they are on the same team.  This is undoubtedly true.

Here are links to posts by Cruz on Facebook and YouTube with the Hinn and Copeland references. For a little context, Cruz tells his Copeland story to segue into the offertory.

Cruz’s post about Benny Hinn.

cruz hinn post


Matt Cruz encounter with Benny Hinn (Facebook link)

Matt Cruz and Kenneth Copeland (youtube link)



The True Gospel:
We are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Yeshua Christ, the only begotten Son of the most High, who died on the cross as an atonement sacrifice for our sins. Eph 2:8-9 Romans 3:25, Rom 10: 9-10 Repent and believe!