March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Rogers and Cruz evangelize at Tilo Lopez’s church

Another false teacher on Marcus Rogers list of partners in ministry
tilo lopez

The dynamic duo are at the Colorado church of Tilo Lopez this weekend.  If you have never heard of Lopez, it may be because you have never watched the reality show “Preacher’s Daughters” which ran on Lifetime for three seasons, 2013-2015.  Lopez had a small part in the final (2015) season, appearing as the leader of a Cabo San Lucas mission which was the base for the season’s episodes.

Though his part was small and was over  more than 2 years ago, Lopez wears his claim to fame loud and proud.  Above is his profile picture from Facebook today, not one, but 2 banners lifting up the name of the show. And a hashtag in his bio.

In an interview Lopez states, regarding the producers of the show, “I just praise God for them,” Lopez said to the Christian Post. “I pray that we as Christian people pray for them because they’re getting the Gospel out there whether or not the church believes it or whether or not they choose to believe it.”

While the show’s stated purpose seemed promising from a Christian and evangelistic perspective, it never lived up to the potential to spread a positive message, and that potential was progressively submerged in each season.  The first two seasons featured separate families dealing with their issues as individual families and their unique struggles living in the fishbowl atmosphere of full time ministry..  The third season was a full on “Girls Gone Wild -On Location in Cabo” debacle, with the girls living together under the premise of a “mission trip” with little to no supervision (all girls in this season are over 18).  Here is the preview trailer for the 3rd season premiere show, and be advised it is almost NSFW.  Props to Lopez for being at least willing to say he found the girls’ behavior embarrassing.  He was paid well and got a free trip to a Mexican resort town, to play his part.

This show made a mockery of the Christian faith and made no serious attempt to reconcile the struggles, shortcomings and sins portrayed with the reality of Biblical truth. This of course is what is to be expected from the modern American secular entertainment industry.  Lopez demonstrates a shocking lack of discernment to be associated with it, and has no justification to “praise God for it”.

The True Gospel:
We are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Yeshua Christ, the only begotten Son of the most High, who died on the cross as an atonement sacrifice for our sins. Eph 2:8-9 Romans 3:25, Rom 10: 9-10 Repent and believe!