What is the Prosperity Gospel?
First, we should define the term. For the purposes of this article and others published by this site, this definition applies:
The so-called prosperity gospel is a perversion of the biblical gospel, according to which Jesus is a means to the blessings of health, wealth, and power. The preachers of this “gospel” may quote God’s word, but twist it to support their false theology. By taking passages out of context, applying a naively literal hermeneutic, embracing an over-realized eschatology, and misapplying their texts, prosperity preachers distort the Scriptures and exploit those who follow them.
Credit goes to Dieudonne Tamfu, Professor, Bethel College and Seminary, in his paper published on Desiring God, The Gods of the Prosperity Gospel- Unmasking American Idols In Africa. February 4, 2020.

What it often looks like…if you hear anyone “declare” and “decree” like this, this is a typical expression of Word of Faith/Prosperity theology.
Where it all Started
Originating alongside and often intertwined with the Charismatic movement of the early 1900’s, the Prosperity Gospel gained momentum through a healing revival movement in the 1950’s. In those days, it was more about faith healing through positive confession. In the 1980’s with the rise of cable television networks and the age of televangelists, the movement turned heavily into a focus on financial prosperity
In a world where the culture is centered on financial prosperity, this false doctrine has spread like wildfire. According to Vox.com, A 2006 Times poll found that 17 percent of American Christians identify explicitly with the movement, while 31 percent espouse the idea that “if you give your money to God, God will bless you with more money.” A full 61 percent agree with the more general idea that “God wants people to be prosperous.”
The Reality of Consequences
It sounds rather harmless. If people want to believe God will grant all their wishes, what is so bad about that? Unfortunately, the consequences have been horrifying, especially since this false doctrine has been spread heavily in areas with widespread severe poverty. The main tenet of this doctrine is that you control your own “faith” in God. If you have enough, you can get whatever you want, health wealth and happiness, by believing that God is obligated to bless you for having enough faith.
In the context of poverty, poor people are sometimes directly told that not only do they not have enough faith, but they must also be living in unrepentant sin if they are poor and sick. Many people end up turning away from the Christian faith because they become convinced they are too sinful to be saved and blessed by God since their prayers were not answered.
Here is a two minute summary of the consequences of the prosperity gospel by John Piper
This is messed up of course but is it really a false Gospel?
Yes, because it alters the identity of the Triune God and elevates man to a god-like status. The vast majority of Prosperity Gospel churches are independent, non-denominational churches, so doctrines vary a bit but all of them distort the identity of God to support the false doctrines. Tritheism(God is not triune but three separate gods) and kenoticism (the belief that Jesus renounced His divine nature while in human form) are two unBiblical views of God that exist in the movement.
Most Prosperity Gospel teachers affirm a “Ransom” doctrine that says God does not have sovereignty over the earth. Since the fall of Adam, Satan has had all the authority. Jesus had to die as a sacrifice to Satan to regain some authority, which is only able to be exercised through the “faith” of believers. Their faith for salvation itself relies on their faith. Their faith gives them access to the supernatural realm to perform signs and wonders. This video explains more about the Ransom Theory
Enter the New Apostolic Reformation(NAR) to distort truth further.
The NAR has risen up in popularity since the 1990’s. This doctrine not only affirms positive confession, it takes Gnosticism to new levels, distorting the truth further. They affirm the “Ransom” doctrine that vastly alters the identity of the Triune God and elevates man to a god-like status and add on a whole lot more man-centered false doctrine.
The NAR doctrines affirm the modern-day offices of apostle and prophet, and churches are usually led by someone with this often self-appointed title. These titles infer a special anointing, making them above reproach. There is a heavy emphasis on the supernatural-new revelations from God, seeing in the Spirit, changing the atmosphere to banish demons and welcome the Holy Spirit.
They believe they can manifest any reality with enough faith and using Jesus’ name as a magic spell word. They believe they can heal the sick, bring financial blessings, cast out demons even from believers, speak in tongues, go into trances, visit heaven and hell like a tourist, have all different kinds of supernatural experiences, even raise the dead and call it the Holy Spirit. Much of what they attribute to the Holy Spirit is actually manifestations of the demonic practiced in the occult and New age movements. Their strange signs and wonders are found nowhere in the Bible.
Spiritual warfare is significant teaching in this movement. The Ransom theory puts the burden of defeating Satan, so that God can bring His Kingdom back to earth, on the faith of believers. They tend to see themselves as more “enlightened” and powerful than other Christians. They tend to value experiences over what is written in the Word of God. Some will even question your salvation if you do not have supernatural experiences. There is a heavy emphasis on an ever-impending revival that will come from the efforts of the NAR followers to win souls with their signs and wonders.
The True Gospel
The Bible defines “faith” as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1) It is not a supernatural force that we obtain through impartation or our own will, A saving faith is faith that recognizes we are utterly lost in sin and unable to save ourselves. Our only hope is in the atonement of Jesus Christ and His finished work upon the cross on our behalf. We receive salvation through repentance of our sin and belief in His Word.
NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation. … It is like Grape Nuts – it’s not grapes and it’s not nuts. It’s like Christian Science – it’s not Christian and it’s not scientific. Well, the New Apostolic Reformation isn’t new, it isn’t apostolic, and it isn’t a reformation. But it is a rapidly expanding movement being generated by some of the same old troubling false teachers and false leaders that have been around in Charismania for decades, always dishonoring the Holy Spirit, always dishonoring the Scripture, always claiming miracle signs, wonders, visions, dreams.
John MacArthur
Here are some outstanding resources for learning more about the Prosperity/NAR false gospel. Shout Out to John Shaffer From the Seeking Truth channel for posting this video highlighting these resources.
Exhibit 1
Berean Research & On Solid Rock Resources
These two websites are both owned by Marsha West, and both have very similar information and formats. Berean Research has articles they call “White Papers” which are extensive summaries of their content. They have a list of almost 20 topics in White Paper format. Their White Paper on the Prosperity Gospel provides more detail of the false doctrines in an easy to read format including some “fast facts” about the PG, a list of well known PG teachers, an extensive list of articles, videos, books and other websites to learn even more. The article on the On Solid Rock website is nearly identical. Same with the New Apostolic Reformation articles on both sites.
Exhibit 2
The GodWords Website
Another website similar to the above two but with some its own information. There are many quotes from Prosperity Gospel teachers that demonstrate how untrue their teaching really is.
A couple examples
- Kenneth Hagin: “Believe it in your heart; say it with your mouth. That is the principle of faith. You can have what you say.”
- Joel Osteen: “Friends, you’ve got to change the atmosphere with your words… you and I can call in good things. Start calling in victory! Start calling in divine health! Start calling in abundant life! If you do that you will begin to see it come to pass. You can prophesy your future.”
- Kenneth Copeland: “God’s on the outside looking in. He doesn’t have any legal entree into the earth.”
Explore their website here.
Exhibit 3
American Gospel documentary
This documentary has been viewed millions of times It was picked up by Netflix for many months. Amazon Prime also carried it. It’s been immensely popular because it explains the Prosperity Gospel in a way that is not threatening or judgemental. This is the 1 hour free preview available on You tube which includes footage of testimonials from viewers that were helped by the content. The full documentary is available for rental on Youtube and Amazon, and you can buy it on the website. There has since been a second follow up movie and a third is expected soon. There is now also a subscription channel that offers hundreds of hours of similar helpful content.
Exhibit 4
This paper, The Gods of the Prosperity Gospel- Unmasking American Idols In Africa, referenced in the above definition by Dieudonne Tamru is an excellent breakdown of the errors of the Prosperity Gospel. His perspectives are invaluable as a native of Cameroon is a testament to the pervasiveness of the damage this false doctrine perpetrates in populations that are plagued with poverty and illness.
Here is the abstract:
ABSTRACT: The so-called prosperity gospel is a perversion of the biblical gospel, according to which Jesus is a means to the blessings of health, wealth, and power. The preachers of this “gospel” may quote God’s word, but twist it to support their false theology. By taking passages out of context, applying a naively literal hermeneutic, embracing an over-realized eschatology, and misapplying their texts, prosperity preachers distort the Scriptures and exploit those who follow them. The best way to challenge prosperity theology — and protect ourselves from it — is to teach Christ-centered biblical theology, which reorients our worldview and desires to cherish Jesus above all.
Exhibit 5
Refuting the other half of the “health and wealth” gospel, Long for Truth Channel explains how Word of Faith/NAR teachers misuse the Bible to claim that miraculous healing lies in the power of your faith. The obvious downside- when you are sick, it’s due to a lack of faith or sin. This is not Biblical!
The ✨Seven Mountain Mandate of the NAR- great example✨ of eisegesis.
While the Biblical truth of this video is refuting the seven mountin mandate of th NAR, this video explains exegeiss vs eisegesis and gives a gospel presentation at the end.
✨Word of Faith False Teaching- Baptism by Fire by Von Hanshaw ✨
Pastor von hanshaw exposes the false teaching prevalent in NAR and Word of faith churches- the baptism of Fire
✨Video of the Day-Word of Faith Movement: Transferring Mantles, Double Portions, & Impartations False Teaching✨ by Von Hanshaw
False teachers create false idols in their following, taking words like “mantle” and “impartations” out of their context and implying that the goal of the Christian faith is pursue these things.
✨Five Fold Ministry✨
Today’s video is by Long for Truth Channel Is the Five Fold ministry for today?
NAR Connections
This video introduces the website found on our Resources page- NAR Connections. https://youtu.be/0PVM_Bh_vYE
What is the NAR?
The New Apostolic Reformation-this term is applied to many popular teachers of the Word, and the number seems to be…
Refuting “Little Gods Heresy” By Smart Christian Channel
Part of the word of faith doctrine is the ability of believers to “speak things into existence”