Marcus Rogers Tries to Claim Vindication for False Trump Prophecy

Marcus Rogers threw himself a party on November 6. Because he wanted to brag about himself and rewrite history
Following in the footsteps of Christians from the first century to today, The Apostasy Files seeks to expose those leading others into apostasy through heresy. The internet age has empowered false teachers, but the Bible remains true and unchanged. Readers are encouraged to examine all the evidence and equip themselves with the truth in this era of falsehoods.
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In one of his worst videos ever, Marcus spent half an hour congratulating himself and demanding apologies, claiming his failed Trump election prophecy finally came true. He claims he has all the proof and shows a few video clips, but leaves out deleted videos where he reneged on his “prophecies” when Trump lost the election.
To find out more detail about how that all went down in 2020, click here
He is now trying to rewrite history claiming he always said God told him Trump would serve two terms- but didn’t specify if they were supposed to be consecutive. The video is linked below but it is hard to watch as his pride, arrogance and self- centeredness are overbearing. He’s a grown man, running around a room all by himself, popping balloons and throwing confetti. It’s a sad scene really. He needs to do this because no one else will.
He also needs to go hard and be loud because he knows there are still people around who remember clearly that he failed miserably in 2020, apologizing and backtracking all over the place. To get ahead of that he brashly demanded apologies from anyone who called him a false prophet.
He will get none here as I will post the videos that show his lies. Other You tube channels have also posted the proof, but not being as big and loud, Marcus hopes he can drown them out.
In this first video he tries to backtrack saying God never told me… it was his own feelings that led him to make his “prophecy”
Here is KDub from All things Theology with a great explanation of the deception Marcus is trying to pawn off to build himself up.