March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Marcus Rogers teaches from the Books of Enoch and Jasher

mr enoch
There are no "Lost" books of the Bible. God in His sovereignty has given us the complete canon of Scripture. He makes no mistakes. Believers should not be led to think that books , like the Book of Enoch, were omitted in error.. But Marcus Rogers brushes it the exclusion of some writings as simply a man -centered preference. This is very problematic.

Kudos to Brother Rob at The Love Agenda Youtube channel for catching Marcus teaching from the books of Enoch and Jasher in a recent sermon.

The books of Jasher and Enoch are books based on manuscripts that are not considered part of the canon of scripture, but contain many references to Biblical historical events and people. The authorship of both is unknown, and most of the doctrinal implications are either contradictory to the rest of the Bible or unverifiable. The original book of Jasher has no known original manuscripts. Copies available today have been deemed to be forgeries. The bottom line of both books is that thought they might have had some correct historical facts, they were not considered to be reliable enough to be included in the Bible.

Scholars maintain that there are some serious concerns over the implications of what is presented in these books. There are problematic pagan references and mystical insights attributed to Enoch. Most scholar and most seminaries would not recommend that pastors use them as any kind of reference material. But Marcus disdains anything to do with the right division of the Word. So why would he have a problem encouraging his followers to believe these writings?

Marcus admits that they were denied canonicity and tries to imply it’s just because the book talks about the fallen angels in the pre-flood age, and describes in detail the Nephalim- giants referred to in the book of Genesis who descended from the relations between fallen angels and human women. Marcus says the church just threw them out because they didn’t like their content then tells his followers to go ahead and check it out on their own. The church rejected them for numerous factual errors and questionable doctrinal value.

Marcus already preaches a false gospel of works. He gives false prophecies which makes him a liar, lying in the name of God. He regularly wrongly divides the Bible, and refuses any correction for it. Now he wants to teach non-canonical texts as if they are canon.

But he knows his followers won’t question it. Watch any Firehouse sermon and you won’t see an open Bible in the room. They are just there to enjoy the show and be spoon fed what they want to hear.

Where will all this end? It won’t be good.

For more about the book of Jasher, click here

For more about the book of Enoch, click here

For more about the many false teachings of Marcus Rogers, click here.