March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Marcus Rogers False Prophecies

False Prophecy is very serious, but Marcus takes it very lightly. If he took it seriously he would have repented and quit ministry years ago. But he continues to lie in the name of God and lie when confronted about it. If that continues, it will not end well for him.

Marcus’ fame took a giant leap this past year when he posted repeatedly how God told him that Trump would win the 2020 election “by a landslide” then, trying to backpedal, delete videos and deny he said that when Trump conceded the loss in January. But that was far from his fisrt false prophecy.

First of all it must be stated that he has repeatedly denied that he is a prophet. The fact that in almost every video he makes a claim about what God “told him” or “showed him” that day doesn’t seem to matter to him.

Below are several documented instances of his false prophecy, which is a very serious transgression.

Most of Marcus Rogers’ prophecies are about as clear as this:

They are too vague to evaluate for accuracy. In the realm of social media, surely someone will identify with them. But sometimes he gets caught with prophecies that are more easily debunked.  Nonetheless, he has on several occasions insisted that his prophecies always come true.

Does he call himself a prophet? Yes and No

In 2016, we first published this screenshot, a response to being asked if he considered himself a prophet

He is NEVER wrong (even if he is you better not says so, or else!)

In this video from June 2020, Marcus says everything he ever prophecied has come true.  He also has the lame, “touch not my anointed” warning with the scary story of the “one YouTube guy who criticized him and his life fell apart”   It was a guy named Mario, from a channel called Vigilant Christian, who put out some good content for a while but started doing drugs and had a very public and self inflicted downfall.  Marcus will forever use that story to try to scare people. That guy’s life fell apart because he made bad sinful choices.  It had nothing to do with Marcus Rogers.  That is how narcissistic he is. Even some dude on the internet’s problems are all about Marcus.

Also in this video, Marcus does a spectacular DARVO- saying that people who think God tells them anything bad about him are not really hearing from God, no, it’s their feelings. And they are jealous, chasing clout, prideful and they aren’t going as hard for the kingdom as he is.  He says all this with a straight face.  It’s really mind-blowing how he thinks the average person out there would believe this load of garbage.

Below are some examples of his debunked prophecies

In 2015, one of his first “viral” videos, was called Drown Myself. In later videos he talks about God telling him to make that video, and put his head into a garbage can full of water and hold his breath as long as he could. He then gave a mini sermon on how you have to want God as bad as you want to breathe.
In recent days, this video by a motivational speaker named Eric Thomas related a very very similar idea, nearly word for word. This video shows the two in comparison

In 2015 Marcus posted selfies while doing street preaching in Chicago.  He told this homeless man his life would change in three days.  What if it didn’t? We will never know. But he may have shipwrecked this guy’s faith with false hope.

Here’s another example, in his early Facebook days, he posted that God told him that Lee Stoneking, the national leader of the United Pentecostal Church, was going to bless him with a “mantle” and a “double portion”, which according to their tradition, confer status in the ministry of the church. He posted about Stoneking coming to visit a nearby church. He did get to meet with and pray with Stoneking, but no mantles or double portions were given.

Also in 2016, Marcus posted that God told him to reconcile with his estranged second wife. One year later, he announced that they were divorcing because God told him they were incompatible. 

More detail in this video

In November 2016 He traveled to a church in Grenada Mississippi and tried to pass off a fraudulent prophecy

On November 27th, Marcus preached at a church in Mississippi.  He posted 2 clips  and several pictures on Instagram. At this event he appears to meet a woman in the audience and ask her about her family saying God told him to prophesy about her. He rattled off a few basic facts about her and her daughter, no doubt impressing the crowd.

The original video and pictures have been deleted.

This woman has been a very active and extremely passionate follower of his on Facebook for many months prior to this.  She drove hundreds of miles to visit this church and make this appearance.  Whether she knew about the plan to deceive beforehand or not is not known, but she did go along with it when it happened. Note: he originally posted these with different captions and updated them after being called out about the fraud, admitting he knew her after all.

The  guise of this being a stranger who God gave him “prophecy” about is nothing short of fraudulent. He met her in August in Houston and has interacted with her many times on Facebook, including previous prayer for the same daughter. She was a  generous supporter of his now defunct Go Fund Me campaign.

In July he prayed for her daughter.

Several followers recognized the woman and immediately pointed this out. Marcus did not respond well.

A Strange Prophecy

On January 2, 2019 Marcus published this rather odd prophetic word with his friend Klaus. Alone in the dark in a car in a hotel parking lot, with soft ambient music playing, Marcus, wearing his baseball cap pulled down low, with Klaus looking on, hits record (originally livestreamed)

He begins by excitedly announcing the the Holy Spirit is about to flow through them. He even says “thus saith the Lord”, and that this is a prophetic word.

At 0:55 Marcus says “God wanted to hear what we are about to declare”

He says Klaus didn’t know this was going to happen but “I know my spirit is going to connect with his spirit.”

Then the prophecy begins. He says, in 2019 there will be a shaking in the church and in your (the viewer’s) life. He goes on to describe his prophetic word of “shaking” for 23 more minutes with brief interjections from Klaus. Each of them speaks in tongues while the other is prophesying, but they are not interpreting each other. Klaus mostly seems to be blankly staring and nodding, his prophetic word is basically a repeat of Marcus’ repetitive use of “shaking” and shaking metaphors, with some vague references to mercy near the end.

At 5:23, The phone falls off the dash, Marcus picks it up and drops it again. Klaus tries not to laugh.

At 6:15 Klaus says God has spoken through his prophets that there will be a shaking.

At 9:24 Marcus gets out of the car and points to the sign in front of a hotel and says “All the signs are there” and talks about signs for about 90 seconds.

At 10:50 Marcus gets back in the car. Klaus is babbling loudly and rocking back and forth

13:27 Marcus says “You can’t tell me that God is real” then “God is not real”- likely correcting himself.

14:14 Marcus throws devil horns (hand gesture)- for all you illuminati hunters!!!!**

17:25 Klaus praying for everyone, Marcus waving his hand back and forth

At 22:25 Marcus professes positive confession, that God has given us the ability to speak things into existence. Also known as Word of faith or name it and claim it doctrine.

Any time someone claims to have a prophetic word, discerning believers should ask some basic questions, like these:

Would the Holy Spirit say something as blasphemous as “God is not real”?

Is this the way God expresses Himself?

Does he misspeak and stumble over His words?

Would he disobey His own Word to speak in tongues without an interpreter?

Does God’s word actually support positive confession (word of faith) doctrine?

What are we to think that despite the blasphemous statement, they posted this video anyway?

Does the Bible teach that our spirits connect with each other?

Where in the Bible does it tell us that there will be a shaking?

Does this prophecy line up with Scripture as it is written or does it add new information to the Word of God?

It’s now well past 2019, did we all get shaken in 2019? Did this prophecy come to pass exactly as it was described?

Hopefully this post has illustrated Marcus’ view of prophesy, as it is a good example of his usual presentation of what he considers his gift of prophecy . Readers of this post are highly encouraged to do their own research into what Biblical prophecy is and is not.

**To be clear, this site does not focus on exposing the illuminati. There are several You Tube channels that do this that have featured Marcus. A symbolic hand gesture was done at the point mentioned, readers may draw their own conclusions.

Another God Told Me lie

Marcus went on Allan Parr’s channel for a discussion about speaking in tongues.  He starts out rather arrogantly stating Allan just doesn’t get it,  and he knows that because God Told Him that Allan has never spoken in tongues.  Allan was taken aback because he actually had done so in the past. 

Marcus tries to deflect by talking about text messages but it was too late. We all heard Marcus say the God told him.

2020 Trump Election Prophecy

Throughout his ministry, Marcus has almost daily told us that God spoke to him. Most of the time it’s not anything that can’t be learned or discerned from reading a newspaper or googling current events and commentary. But the past few months Marcus has been absolutely consumed with telling us what God has told him about Donald Trump, and very specifically that he will have a second term 

In the next two videos is Marcus makes conflicting statements saying clearly in the first that Trump would win this election.  In the second he denies ever saying that.  The first video was deleted before he made the second

In the weeks following the election Marcus and other false prophets scrambled to either retreat and apologize, deflect or double down.  Marcus wavered all over during this time, deleting videos and making conflicting statements, like these.  This video clip was taken from Kdub’s video.  The full video is below.  

Then it gets more confusing- Marcus changes his mind about that and repents for his previous apology for getting the election prophecy wrong In other words, he was wrong about being wrong, so he was right all along. Marcus’ vision of a crown forming over Trump’s head in a cave should be all the confirmation you need This was posted January 10, 2020, afterTrump had conceded.

Quote from January 2020, when all hope for a Trump Presidency faded.

Marcus Could Not Delete This:

An Article in the Christian psot several days after the election gathered statements from various prophets who had made predictions of a Trump victory.  Here is Marcus’ remarks

Or This

Another quote from the website Eternity news from November 10, 2020.

In the Christian Post article above, he vowed to take a break from social media if he was wrong.  He did admit he was wrong, so did he take a break?

Technically he didn’t say how long his break was going to be, so when he posted this on January 21st, he hadn’t been online for a whole 24 hours.

Video about Lady Gaga’s outfit an inauguration

And if you aren’t confused enough yet, here you go.  The rest of the above video is from September 2023. Marcus tries to rewrite his Trump prophecy to say it was really about something else. KDub does a great job sifting through the quagmire Marcus creates.  Marcus Rogers is either very purposefully crafting twisted narratives to gaslight and keep his followers confused, telling lies with such a straight face that those who think him to be generally honest likely doubt their own judgment. Or, he’s just plain crazy and is spinning in such a frenzy of cognitive dissonance that he has no idea what the truth is anymore.

Fast Forward to 2024

Marcus exercised just a bit more caution this time, but once the election was over he nearly exploded with the pent up bitter arrogance that had built up for four years, knowing that only the most gulliable of his followers still believed him.
When Trump won he and several other assorted false prophets raised the rooftops screaming their triumph.  They had been right all along!!!!  They were vindicated! Trump was elected to another term, no matter that the timing was off by 4 years.

And no one was louder the Marcus.  The video he made was atrocious.  

In one of his worst videos ever, Marcus spent over half an hour congratulating himself and demanding apologies, claiming his failed Trump election prophecy finally came true. He claims he has all the proof and shows  a few video clips, but leaves out deleted videos where he reneged on his “prophecies” when Trump lost the election.

He is now trying to rewrite history claiming he always said God told him Trump would serve two terms- but didn’t specify if they were supposed to be consecutive.  The video is linked below but it is hard to watch as his pride, arrogance and self- centeredness are overbearing.  He’s a grown man, running around a room all by himself, popping balloons and throwing confetti.  It’s a sad scene really.  He needs to do this because no one else will. He is devoid of any dignity here and utterly lacking in reverence for God, you know, the one who actually would deserve ALLL of the glory if this were an actual true prophecy.

He also needs to go hard and be loud because he knows there are still people around who remember clearly that he failed miserably in 2020, apologizing and backtracking all over the place.  To get ahead of that he brashly demanded apologies from anyone who called him a false prophet.

He will get none here as I have posted the videos that show his lies.  Other You tube channels have also posted the proof, but not being as big and loud, Marcus hopes he can drown them out.

Once again, Kdub hammers him down a notch with two videos blowing the doors off Marcus’ prophecy clown car.

The "Real" Prophet- Kim Clement, Not Marcus

In one of the deleted videos Marcus explains why he was certain Trump would win (God told him it would be eight years) He mentions Kim Clement, who prophecied that Trump would win the nomination in 2015. When Marcus says “God showed him” Trump would win in 2015, he says when he saw Kim Clement’s prophecy online, “God told him” that what Clement said would come true. Funny he never mentioned his prophecy actually came from someone else. Until he was backed into a corner, and thenhe pointed the finger at someone else.

Here’s a post from the day after the election admitting he had been relying on Kim Clement’s prophecies.

So who is Kim Clement? 

Just another pseudo-celebrity false pastor/ prophet.  He passed away in 2016.  Shortly before that he had prophecied that God told him Donald Trump would become a “trumpet”.(whatever that meant) He also made lots of prophecies about future presidents and celebrities which either flatly do not fit Donald Trump (or anyone) or have to be twisted pretty hard to make them fit Trump.
He should be considered a false prophet, not only because of his many many false prophecies, but also because he didn’t believe that salvation required being born again.


His family continues to run a website and recirculates videos of him.  They have compiled some of his videos in such a way that they appear to imply Donald Trump will be elected as a 2 term president.

Below is an except from the website Truth Or Fiction analyzing the prophecies of Clement that a whole flock of false prophets  used from 2016-2020 to promote their “Donald Trump” narratives. And in 2024, they all claimed victory because the second term had come.

Following President Trump’s election in November 2016, transcripts and audio of Kim Clement’s prophecies in 2007 and 2008 began circulating in YouTube videos and blog posts. They claimed that Clement had prophesied Trump’s presidency. Clement’s prophecies told of a remaking of news media and predicted Trump’s presidency becoming a “Trumpet of God.” This excerpt from an April 2008 event in Redding, California, is among the most widely circulated:

“I am God and you have called to Me, and many from this Nation have said, ‘Enough–enough of religion and enough of dead speech.’” The Spirit of God said, “This is a moment of resurrection.” For the Spirit of God says, “Honor Me with your praise and acceptance of this that I say to you. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace if you wish, and into the news media. Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say; Newsweek what I want them to say; and The View, what I want to say.”

“Trump shall become a trumpet,” says the Lord! “I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church,” says the Spirit of the Living God!

Clement actually made that remark; it’s online footprint goes all the way back to April 2007 — well before Donald Trump ran for president, or was ultimately elected. But it should be noted that Clement never specifically said Donald Trump would become president. And the fact that Clement referenced Donald Trump beside Bill Gates seems to imply that he was referring to two of the richest men of the day opening up “the gate of a financial realm” for the church — and not necessarily about politics.
And Kim Clement prophesied frequently about future U.S. presidents over the 2007-2008 timeframe. Many excerpts from that period have since been applied to Clement prophesying Donald Trump’s presidency, but it appears that he was speaking specifically about the 2008 and 2012 elections at the time. This passage from August 2008, for example, has been applied to Trump’s presidency — but Clement specifically said “the next two terms in office,” which were both served by President Obama:

God’s Spirit says, I’m waiting, I’m waiting for the response from My people throughout this land. Can somebody see victory? Can somebody see honor? For God says, let Me remind you I will place at your helm a President that shall pray to Me, says the Lord. He will pray to Me. And God says, in the next two terms there will be a praying President, not a religious one, for I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will. God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, he has hot blood. For the Spirit God says, yes he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the Lord of Hosts. God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a President that will pray but he will not be a praying President when he starts. I will put him in Office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power, says the Lord of Hosts……

And it should also be noted that Kim Clement prophesied about celebrities and the news media frequently in the 2000s. In 2006, for example, Kim Clement prophesied that “conversion shall come” to rapper Eminem would “be a voice” for the Lord, and to novelist Stephen King, who would “write for the Kingdom of God.” And Clement again tied those prophesies to major shifts in the American media landscape, using very similar language to Clement’s prophesies about Donald Trump:

“This year, I will raise up Eminem to be a voice. Conversion shall come to his house–Eminem. This year I will touch Stephen King, and he will write for the Kingdom of God. This year, I will raise up Rupert Murdoch, who shall even stand before you. This year, there shall be a joining of networks–ABC being one of them, and they shall have a section where Christ will be glorified,” says the Lord.

The media shall never be the same. For God said, “I have decided after your prayers and your faith that this is the year where I shall use the media to destroy the power of control and manipulation,” says the Lord. 

In the end, we’re calling this one “unproven” because we haven’t found any examples of Clement directly predicting Donald Trump’s presidency and any claims supporting that require a great deal of interpretation and hindsight.

Here are a couple of really great videos on Kim Clement

Great article- A deep dive on Clement, lots of proof of his many false prophecies and heretical beliefs