March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Marcus Rogers Demonetized by Youtube-It’s Another Opportunity to Grift

marcus needs more money for studio
Never let a crisis go to waste. Marcus Rogers needs more money.

Today Marcus announced he has been demonetized by Youtube, and permanently banned from TikTok. Was he disappointed? He said yes, briefly. But then he launched full speed into campaigning for money to build himself a media empire. Next up will be, not a school as he promised all the donors for the current building, but a new TV studio.

Video posted by Marcus 9/8/2022 He has since deleted it, but he never learns that the internet is forever.

This will mean purchasing more property, in his name and his name alone. He has great ideas for kids shows, talk shows, entertainment shows and more. He markets it as if it is up to him singlehandedly to save the world from the New World Order, as he refers to the rulers of the present age -through entertainment. He ignores that there are many others doing this and that there are Christian alternatives for many of the venues and platforms that he wants to “save”, and doing it better than he ever could, by himself.

He has seemingly abandoned the idea of a school. That was only a year ago, when he begged daily for money to buy a building, for a school, for the kids. He made sure to film himself, apparently crying often, and it worked. He told everyone that he had purchased the building for $550k But phone calls to the church that sold it revealed that the building was donated. More about that here

Asked about it in a Q&A video, he snidely told people to google the church address, and they would find random realty websites that showed a purchase price of $550k, but the selling church and county records show otherwise. He also lied about buying the church in his own name and transferring it to Firehouse Church due to a lack of approval for his 501c3. His 501c3 was approved aby the IRS in June of 2021.

Marcus deceptively states that realty listing are proof of the sale price.
Video of Marcus Lying about his 501c3

In the past year he has made very little progress toward repairing the building. For someone who can apparently raise $550K in a month, he should have been able to fully repair this building within a year.

But the school is no longer a priority. His exit from Youtube is an emergency that must be remedied immediately, by lots of cash. It is unfair that he can’t use Youtube to complain about all the things that offend him. Marcus has lost the focus of a church, which is to preach the gospel. It is not to be offended and complain loudly as he suggested in his video. It is not to create Christian entertainment.

There is nothing wrong with those things, but they are not the Great Commission. Building a TV studio to produce mediocre content is hardly an urgent priority, but Marcus will not be swayed. It doesn’t matter that he has a church going through conflict, that he needs to shepherd, or a neighborhood that needs outreach in a city being overrun by crime or a huge audience that needs the true gospel. Complaining about social issues is the priority.

Get ready for another campaign for money. He will soon locate a “perfect” building and will need all that cash money immediately, before the building is sold to someone else. Just one dollar per viewer will do it, Or wait, he doesn’t have 600k viewers anymore.