March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Marcus Rogers caught lying, again

Marcus Rogers caught lying again
Last night Marcus posted a "Bible Study" where he ranted for 40 minutes, once again, for the umpteenth time about "there is no unity, (all) Christians (Ever) do is fight, while casting blame in every direction except himself. Usually by the end of these videos, he refers to someone who is critical of him in some way. This time it was Kris Kdub's turn

In this sad, self-righteous “study” there was very little Bible and no study at all except for him to tell everyone “Go study yourself” Faithful teachers of the Word understand that their job is to patiently explain, in detail, in context what the Bible says. Not spout the same single verses over and over to defend their image and tell non-believers and new believers- go away and study for yourself.

The grand finale, which was possibly the entire point of the rant, was to cast major dispersions on Kris Kdub From the YouTube Channel kdubtru. As a point of context, Marcus Rogers has often repeated the “challenge” to any of his critics to come and attend his events, and they would see “the move of God” and meet him on person to see how humble he is, and surely then they would have a change of heart. It happens all the time he, says, but as of today, I could not find any evidence for such a testimony. I can find evidence of several who attended his church and did not have a good impression.

As you will see in this video, Kris attended a Marcus Rogers event in Plano, Texas last weekend. Was he moved by God, amazed at Marcus’ warm and humble persona in person and did he change his mind completely? Not exactly, not even close, not at all.

Nope, what happened was, Kris found out that Marcus would be speaking in his area, so he contacted Marcus with a polite friendly message to meet for lunch or dinner or coffee, just to talk. The words argue and debate were not in the message. There was no response so Kris attended the event with a friend hoping to perhaps speak with him afterward. They were polite spectators and drew no attention to themselves.

Afterward, a man approached them and asked if they liked the service. They said no because the teaching was not sound. It was a brief but polite discussion. Moments later, two large security guards came up to them and asked them to leave. When asked why, they became very aggressive and rude. This is just a small fraction of the deception that Marcus is trying to pass off, such as accusing Kris of showing up to disrupt the service (which never happened, so why kick them out after?). Please watch this video to see a long list of debunked lies. Kdub provided plenty of backup with quotes from his own videos compared to Marcus’ rant. Marcus was only posting speculation which he tried to pass off as supernatural discernment.

One final note, while the last five minutes, the grand finale of Marcus’ “Bible Study” video was all about how kdubtru was deceptive and had ill motives, I’d be remiss to not mention that the epilogue, as in almost every video, was to beg for money for his church repairs, while he sits in his mansion after staying in a nice hotel room every night the past week, as he travels almost every weekend now to other churches often bringing his friends but never his wife.

If you follow Marcus Rogers, please feel free to leave a comment and explain how you defend these lies. Show the world how false teachers gain the kind of unwarranted loyalty and sympathy to do the dirty work of defending them.