March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

◻Marcus Rogers◻

Due to some recent software updates there are some missing/broken links and images in this area of the blog. We are working hard to get it all up to dates ASAP. Check back in a day or two if it there are any gaps or broken links.

A well-known preacher on Facebook, popular but controversial.  Charming and outspoken, he has gathered a flock of over a million followers on social media. His 2016 Go Fund Me campaign for $450,000, following the strange baptism that ended in the drowning of a fellow soldier, has earned him a great deal of attention.  There are many questions, few answers. This blog will primarily publish Marcus’ own posts to answer these questions, many of which he has deleted by now

Look over the comments on his Facebook page. You will find the same questions asked by his followers over and over, and they are seldom if ever answered.  Questions everyone should ask before supporting someone claiming to do God’s work.   For years, Marcus had no website other than a Facebook page that got shut down frequently, and the Facebook page contains so many posts -serious, spiritual, controversial and some just for fun, that finding good answers is nearly impossible. .

He has been asked on many occasions to post his testimony, bio, budget and statement of faith.  If he won’t do it, the best we can do is go off the things he says to discern the answers.  In 2019, when his book was published he finally created a website.  It has a brief bio and info on his book, music and speaking dates, a link to his blog and a link for financial support.  Nowhere does he publish his statement of faith, a testimony (how does he know he is saved, when did he receive salvation, what is salvation), or any kind of financial transparency.

What we do know is that he denies the true gospel through faith alone, and denies the Trinity These are fatal errors that can’t be overlooked Marcus is not beyond God’s grace. Our purpose is not to tear him down but to shine the light of truth so that he and his followers would fall under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and repent and seek forgiveness through the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Since this blog started, we have published dozens of stories covering many issues. We have consolidated older posts into the below categories More recent articles are below the video

Guide to the Saiko Woods video receipts

⬇ More recent updates about Marcus Rogers below ⬇

Here’s a 2 minute overview of the issues addressed in this blog.


Matthew 12:37 says “for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”  Amen, let it be.

The True Gospel:
We are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of


Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the most High, who died on the cross as an atonement sacrifice for our sins. Eph 2:8-9 Romans 3:25, Rom 10: 9-10 Repent and believe!

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