Kathryn Krick’s ministry is almost entirely devoted to deliverance
Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, Twitter
Affiliations: Alexander Pagani, Bob Larson, Daniel Adams, extensive list at NAR Connections website
Ministry: 5F Church
Notes. Ministry relies heavily on deliverance. Has been exposed doing “deliverance” on same people as Daniel Adams and Bob Larson. Teaches five fold ministry doctrine (NAR). Teaches prosperity gospel.
Links: see list at above NAR connections link.
Testimony: video No Jesus, No repentance
Exhibit 1
Well known pastor Chris Roseborough presents a great exposition on Kathryn’s false ministry
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In this video Kathryn says sowing a seed brings miracles and deliverance
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Here Kathryn instills fear that maybe someone has placed a really big curse on you. If so, well of course you will have to sow a really big seed to get rid of it.
Exhibit 4
Maybe it just wasn’t a good idea to use child actors who giggle throughout their performance on a big stage.
Exhibit 5
Long for Truth channel reveals Kathryn’s heavy teaching on New Age positive confession.