Marcus by his own admission is not very often accepted at most churches, even among Pentecostals and Apostolics, he is seen as heretical. Those he associates with are very similar to him: their ministries are mostly online, revolve around deliverance and teach false gospels Most of them are profiled in the Other Social Media Heretic Section of this website
The “Demon Slayers”
This self titled wolf pack teaches doctrine highly centered on casting out demons and that Christians can be possessed by demons and can and should be “delivered” ostensibly by one of them. They teach every sin and physical malady is attached to a spirit (or demon). This is not Biblical No mediators are needed for us to be freed from the chains of sin. These folks charge a lot of money for their conferences and seminars. Some will even charge for classes to teach you how to use the gift of deliverance. Marcus has participated in several of their conferences. They tend to be a messy bunch who fight amongst themselves but manage to put aside differences when there is money to be made. In 2024 they released a movie about their “ministry” Though Marcus wasn’t included, he latches on to any opportunity to partner with them. Several are mentioned below but they are all to be avoided.

This cast includes Daniel Adams, Vlad Savchuk, Greg and Taisha Locke Isaiah Saldivar, Alexander Pagani, Mike Signorelli Leon DuPreez and more.
Lovy Elias
False teacher/prophet Elias has partnered with Marcus one several occasions. Marcus once received a dramatic “anointing prayer” from him. Lovy’s doctrine is so warped that he even teaches that believers should use their “third eye” to receive prophecy. This a an occultic practice.

Jonathan Ferguson

Another False “apostle” who recently “anointed” Marcus as a fellow “Apostle” and went on to make outrageous prophetic declarations, that Marcus would heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons just by walking into a room. Not only that but he declared Marcus would “hold the key of David” and “the government will be on his shoulders”. Both these statements come from the Old Testament prophecies of Jesus.
John Ramirez
Former Satanist priest turned deliverance minister.

Daniel Adams
Founder of The Supernatural Life deliverance ministry. He charges $500 for private consultations for deliverance services, teaches born-again believers can be demon possessed. Teaches works salvation.

Pastor Jermane Cheatham
– Asst Pastor Lighthouse Church of All Nations

A frequent speaker at Marcus Rogers revivals, he is the founder of deliverance and mentoring ministry with his wife. The Assistant Pastor title at the Lighthouse church appears to be given to about 25 others, so the title may not be analogous to the title pastor in other churches. Lighthouse Church, also the home church of Matt Cruz, teaches Oneness pentecostalism but there is no mention of affiliation with the UPCI church.
Joshua Feuerstein
Famous for controversial viral Facebook videos and Go Fund Me campaigns.

Jeffery Pitts
Pastor of the Upper Room in Indianapolis, also uses Go Fund Me and primarily uses Facebook as his main point of contact with his followers.

Oneness and the doctrine of the Trinity have no grounds for unity. They are exclusive of each other and are an essential doctrine of our faith.
Klaus Chavis
Longtime friend from his days in Virginia, now also an internet preacher. Founder of Digital Disciple Ministries. He is featured in this post, giving a prophetic word with Marcus in January 2019. DDM’s most recent review from Facebook, June 21, 2021.

Isaiah Saldivar
Founder of a deliverance ministry, self appointed pastor of a non denominational charismatic church. Large presence on social media

Greg Locke
Not sure they are friends, exactly, but Marcus sure seems proud to take a selfie with him. They have quite a lot in common.

Clayton Jennings
Sexual predator/adulterer self proclaimed evangelist who rejected the advice and counsel of his church when caught in grievous sin.

Pastor/Reality TV star Tilo Lopez

See This Post for more info
Perry Stone
Video of Marcus meeting Perry Stone
False NAR teacher/prophet
Perry Stone- stops speaking in tongues from his pulpit- to check his cell phone message. This is why people doubt the way the gift of tongues is exercised in modern times. Video here.
Matt Cruz

Rogers frequently appears with Cruz at Pentecostal evangelism events. Cruz is a fellow Oneness, self proclaimed, uncredentialed evangelist who specializes in faith healing and openly supports false teachers like Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland.

More info in this post.
Lee Stoneking
Renowned United Pentecostal leader/theologian Lee Stoneking met Marcus at a visit to a local church. Stoneking prayed with Marcus. Here is his account of what happened.

Marcus Miner
Here’s a shout out to his friend Marcus Miner who edits some of his videos