March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Vlad Savchuk

Platforms: Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Ministry: Hungry Generation ministry

Affiliations:  TB Joshua, Lovy Elias, Passion Java, Marcus Rogers, Isaiah Saldivar, Alexander Pagani

Testimony: From You Tube “God has a plan for you and wants to prosper you”

Notes: deliverance ministry, heavy emphasis on signs and wonders, the demonic. Believes born again believers can have demons.

The Apostasy Files Hot Take

What makes Vlad Savchuck stand out from the usual gang of Internet Famous Deliverance ministers, aka demon slayers?

Vlad is notoriously prolific for teaching a nearly epic fantasy novel compilation of imaginary demons and spirits, all which require deliverance.  Nearly everything that vexes you is harboring a demon: drinking, smoking, overeating, thumb sucking, bed wetting, nose picking and many more plus the legendary big ones like Leviathan, Jezebel, Marine Kingdom and more. But don’t fret, Vlad is here to save you.  

What makes him all the more disturbing is that his ministry was founded and funded for years by TB Joshua, a now deceased Nigerian super apostle who was revealed to be a sexual predator and a full on witch doctor in a BBC documentary in 2024. You can watch that here.

Savchuk has also had ties with occultic false teachers Passion Java and Lovy Elias.

In our opinion, Vlad Savchuk is one of the more dangerous of the mainstream demon slayers due to his gravitation toward the outright occult and very bad handling of God’s word.  He twists it far worse than many of his fellow demon slayers.

Exhibit 1

This video shows Savchuk casting out every demon possible, including a thumb-sucking spirit. He claims to be casting demons out of born again believers.

Exhibit 2

Youtube channel Revealing Truth exposes Savchuk’s false teachings about demons. Savchuk twists scripture to manipulate born again believers to believe they need deliverance.

Exhibit 3

From our own channel this video examines the downfall of TB Joshua, and delves into his long relationship with Vlad Savchuk,  Vlad has not ever renounced his relationship with TB Joshua, which is disturbing in light of the blatant occultism discovered in TB Joshua’s ministry.

Exhibit 4

While some deliverance ministers teach a doctrine of generational curses, it is so unbiblical that even some of them will not teach this.  Vlad Savchuck wholeheartedly teaches it, wrongly handling God’s word egregiously to do so.  This video will explain it very well.