Platforms: Facebook, You Tube, Instagram, TikTok
Associations: Daniel Adams, Isaiah Saldivar, Matt Cruz, John Ramirez, Allen Parr, Ruslan KD, Vlad Savchuk, Daniel Adams, Lovy Elias
Testimony: Marcus believes in salvation by baptism and speaking in tongues, but nowhere does he give a testimony as to when he became saved
Ministries:Â Marcus Rogers Enterprises, Firehouse Fellowship (501c3)
Notes:Â Teaches Oneness doctrines of modalism and works gospel including speaking in tongues as required evidence of the Holy Spirit and water baptismal regeneration. Known false prophet, teaches prosperity gospel. Ministry relies heavily on signs, wonders, gnostic revelations, dreams visions, astral projection, aura reading, Also a heavy emphasis on deliverance.
The Apostasy Files Hot Take
This blog started when Marcus Rogers was in the Army and was just beginning to gain ground as a social media influencer. His heretical views of the gospel and other issues were already raising red flags when an unthinkable event occurred. A soldier drowned following a baptism performed by Marcus. It happened on his base, so the military did not put out much public information. The quest for answers led to a Facebook group that tried to help the soldier’s family find answers. When the group disbanded, several members decided that the info we had all gathered should be made public, and this blog was born, initially a just a pretty simple bulletin board of info. We had thousands of receipts to start with and have gathers thousands more since. To find out more, there is a larger section for this, here.
A brief summary would be that Marcus Rogers has changed very little since 2016. Two courtmartials and two divorces and remarriages while posting as a “pastor” and “prophet” on you tube didn’t change him. Constant rebukes over his false damnable heresy doctrines have been ignored. He still plays the same emotional roles vying for the sympathy of the largely female audience he attracts. He continues to play fast and loose with extramarital affairs, church finances and God’s word, phony deliverances, and false prophecies. If anything, his apparent success has made him more arrogant than ever. If he was just another run of the mill clownish Youtube prophet, perhaps our ongoing exposure would have faded, but this one is unique in the path of destruction in his wake. Broken homes and broken marriages, endless complaints from women claiming fraud, and most of all, a family missing their father, husband and son.
Exhibit 1
One of many videos available that explains Marcus false gospel teaching
Exhibit 2
Just one example of the kind of “ministry” Marcus partners in. This is him at Lovy Elias’ church, where the service is centered on revering and blessing Marcus, with wild antics and animal noises. Can’t make this up. Ad sadly, it’s not even the worst example.