Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, Twitter, Youtube
Affiliations: Alexander Pagani, Daniel Adams, extensive list at NAR Connections website
Ministry: 5F Church in Los Angeles
Notes. Ministry relies heavily on deliverance. Has been exposed doing “deliverance” on same people as Daniel Adams. Teaches five fold ministry doctrine (NAR). Sole pastor of her church. “Ordained” by Tanzanian false teacher whom she calls “daddy” Claims financial gifts are needed to cast out demons
Links: see list at above NAR connections link.
Testimony: video No Jesus, No repentance
The Apostasy Files Hot Take
Recently I came across a video posted last year on the Fighting for the Faith channel about Kathryn Krick. Chris Rosebrough is replaying a video by a former member of her church (see Ex 10 below) Chris adds his commentary, including the introduction where he calls her one of the most spiritually dangerous people he has seen since Jim Jones, the 1980’s pastor who moved his huge cult following to Guyana and convinced them all to commit suicide. Quite a shocking opinion.
Her background is a story many might be able to relate to initially. Born in New York, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting and musical careers. Not finding the success she dreamed of, she began looking for spiritual excitement and fulfillment in her life. Thanks to social media, she found a pastor across the world who was drawing huge crowds and performing dozens of miracles daily, it seemed.
An adventure across the world to experience so much supernatural activity sounded like just what she was missing in her life, so off she went. In the wake of the recent BBC documentary about TB Joshua, the similarities of her journey from here are striking.
Her new pastor commanded respect in his community. He was very popular and wealthy. No one questioned him in any way. The miracles, the money, the people flocking from all over to come see him- he had to be blessed by God. Why wouldn’t anyone trust him? He welcomed visitors and provided a place to live if they were willing to be his disciples. He asked to be called “Daddy” but that just seemed like an interesting cultural custom.
This is exactly the scenario described by the American disciples of TB Joshua who traveled to Africa in pursuit of spiritual fulfillment, except Joshua did not elevate any of his disciples to become his missionaries to America as Kathyrn has been. She even files her taxes under the umbrella of Geordavies’ organization. Receipt below.
Given the influence that has become apparent in the “demon slayer” movement, it seems the mega-ministry, occult based “miracle workers” of Africa are now exporting back to America an even more toxic spirituality than the prosperity gospel that American missionaries spread all over Africa.
Perhaps because she has the backing of a wealthy benefactor, Krick does not do conferences and partnerships with the well known “demon slayer” crowd, though she has been caught using the same paid actors in some of her public deliverances. She also has her signature tagline-she instructs the demon that they must go and that they are commanded on the count of 3 to leave. And she counts 1-2-3. This seems effective for her. Perhaps other deliverance ministers should be taking some notes. Other demon slayers post videos of deliverances that take 10-20-30 minutes or more.
So the bottom line on this hot take- Kathryn Krick is an agent of the occult, and seems to be unable to hear any truth delivered to her in any way. May God change her heart before it is too late.
Exhibit 1
In this video Kathryn says sowing a seed brings miracles and deliverance. Combining prosperity preaching with the promise of deliverance- you can buy freedom from sin. Perhaps Kathryn never heard that Jesus died for us as a free gift for salvation from sin.
Exhibit 2
Well known pastor Chris Roseborough presents a great exposition on Kathryn’s false ministry
Exhibit 3
Maybe it just wasn’t a good idea to use child actors who giggle throughout their performance on a big stage
Exhibit 4
Here Kathryn instills fear that maybe someone has placed a really big curse on you. If so, well of course you will have to sow a really big seed to get rid of it.
Exhibit 5
Krick proudly posted a video of her church service on her birthday. Her followers shower her with praises and gift. They exalt her as a spiritual “mama” and actually bow down to her. Lots of similarities to her mentor Pastor GeorDavie. see EX 9 for the video of her “ordination”
Exhibit 6
Kdubtru has an extensive critique of Krick’s many false teachings. Includes her “ordination” as an “apostle” by a Tanzanian evangelist who she calls Baba-translated “Daddy”. This original video has been deleted.
Exhibit 7
Kdubtru exposes her false teaching on women pastors From the video description:
Can women be pastors? I respond to that here… Does the Bible give us an answer and is it relevant today? I respond to a popular preacher #kathrynkrick saying yes, women can be pastors! Is she right? I share my thoughts here… Enjoy! #womenpastors#pastor
Exhibit 8
Kathryn Krick files her taxes under the umbrella of her “daddy” Apostle Geordavies’ non profit. Maybe this explains why she says she will never turn her back on her “daddy”.
Exhibit 9
Get ready for an enormous cringe session. This video shows Kathryn Krick’s “anointing” by her spiritual “Daddy” Apostle GeorDavie in Tanzania
Exhibit 10
Chris Rosebrough shared this video by a guy named Matthew Brown who is a former member of her church. You can watch his original video here
Chris adds his remarks that he hasn’t seen anyone this spiritually dangerous as Kathryn since Jim Jones. A stunning opinion coming from one of the most prolific discernment ministries on You Tube.