Ed Citronelli

Following in the footsteps of Christians from the first century to today, The Apostasy Files seeks to expose those leading others into apostasy through heresy. The internet age has empowered false teachers, but the Bible remains true and unchanged. Readers are encouraged to examine all the evidence and equip themselves with the truth in this era of falsehoods.
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Ministry: Ed Citronelli Ministries
Platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook
Associations: Benny Hinn, Vlad Savchuk, TB Joshua
Testimony: This page from a website called The Word network, while not giving a direct testimony of Citronelli’s conversion, describes his ministry. There’s some problematic statements here, including a claim that in his revivals, the dead have been raised. This quote lists some very concerning evidence of false signs: “Visions, visitation by Angels, supernatural weight loss, and gold dust falling from heaven have been noted. In one service, money appeared supernaturally in an empty wallet. “
Notes: Ministry relies heavily on signs,wonders and deliverances. Teaches Word of Faith On his website he sells a variety of items such as anointing oils tht promise to give you spiritual power and blessing. See Exhibit 5
This video by Mike Winger does an excellent job of exposing how a false teacher like Citronelli manipulates followers for his own gain.
Corey Minor from Smart Christian Channel exposes Ed Citronelli teaching false prosperity doctrines about tithing
Sean from Revealing Truth exposes false healings in Citronelli’s services
Brother Rob from The Love Agenda/Men of Destiny explains how Citronelli’s defense of TB Joshua is unbiblical and self serving
On his website, he has the following items, and more, for sale. None of these items are Biblically sound, even if-or especially if “Prophet” Ed did fast and pray over them for 21 days. This is nothing more than a snake oil money grab. Delivery for that small tassel will be over $8 and does not include a “processing fee” that isn’t disclosed.