March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Ed Citronelli

citronelli heretic

Ministry: Ed Citronelli Ministries

Platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook
Associations: Benny Hinn, Vlad Savchuk, TB Joshua
Testimony:  This page from a website called The Word network, while not giving a direct testimony of Citronelli’s conversion, describes his ministry.  There’s some problematic statements here, including a claim that in his revivals, the dead have been raised.  This quote lists some very concerning evidence of false signs: “Visions, visitation by Angels, supernatural weight loss, and gold dust falling from heaven have been noted. In one service, money appeared supernaturally in an empty wallet. “

Notes: Ministry relies heavily on signs,wonders and deliverances. Teaches Word of Faith On his website he sells a variety of items such as anointing oils tht promise to give you spiritual power and blessing. See Exhibit 5


Exhibit 1

This video by Mike Winger does an excellent job of exposing how a false teacher like Citronelli manipulates followers for his own gain.

Exhibit 2

Corey Minor from Smart Christian Channel exposes Ed Citronelli teaching false prosperity doctrines about tithing

Exhibit 3

Sean from Revealing Truth exposes false healings in Citronelli’s services

Exhibit 4

Brother Rob from The Love Agenda/Men of Destiny explains how Citronelli’s defense of TB Joshua is unbiblical and self serving

Exhibit 5


On his website, he has the following items, and more, for sale. None of these items are Biblically sound, even if-or especially if “Prophet” Ed did fast and pray over them for 21 days.  This is nothing more than a snake oil money grab. Delivery for that small tassel will be over $8 and does not include a “processing fee” that isn’t disclosed.