March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Social Media Heretics

Those who meet our definition of heretic will find themselves here. Click on the name for more information

Part of the purpose of this website is to demonstrate how these heretics network together and promote each other. Here is a resource that tracks connections within the NAR, which is a line of heretical doctrine that most of these heretics teach (signs and wonders, sovereignty of man, gnosticism, false deliverance etc.) NAR Connections is a website with an extensive database of NAR heretics and their connections to each other.

To be clear, none of these people is beyond God’s grace. Our purpose is not to tear them down but to shine the light of truth so that they and their followers would fall under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and repent and seek forgiveness through the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Heretic Huggers- Those who don’t outright teach heresy, but endorse and befriend those who do. Click here for our list.

Heretic Huggers! Those who do much damage to the body of Christ by supporting known false teachers. Click here for more info