Marcus Rogers came trotting home from touring Rodney Howard Browne’s huge new facility in Tampa all fired up to do the same- build an empire, like, tomorrow! Today he has posted 2 videos, one taken down already, about a new dream building.
It’s an old Zenith Factory and from what I have seen and read, it’s not a “fixer upper” like Marcus is trying to imply. It is condemned, and the City of Chicago wanted to demolish it in 2017 even before a series of major fires devastated it and collapsed huge portions of the roof. The owner was adamant he could salvage it and made some safety improvements so it is still standing, barely. More info in this article at
Woweee just take a look at this.
It just needs a few thousand, right Marcus?
It doesn’t seem likely that the owner would just donate it after going to great lengths to keep it sellable. The article also mentioned that the property is being considered for a land redevelopment program. The chances that the city will just re-zone it from industrial to tax exempt must be low. This is not a small church in a residential neighborhood.
Though it is still on the market, there is no price listed. (You can see the listing here) Marcus said he was going to ask the owner to donate it. Because after all, that worked so well with his current building. We still want to know what he did with the $550k in donations he said he paid for it.
At least he’s being honest this time about it. But unless he knows a good wrecking company and has a plan to build a new facility, this really isn’t going to be viable. Marcus vows to show this video every day. But I don’t see it having the same sweeping response. After all, this time it’s not “for a school, for the kids!” But at least he can try to push for an emotional response by reminding his followers that he has a passion to do puppet shows and cartoons for kids, so it’s still for the kids!!!
By the way Marcus, where is the new school? He has shown footage of some cosmetic work being done, but there have been no permits issued for any structural work to be done. Though it looks like most of the work has been cosmetic, it’s curious how he has gotten so much plumbing and electrical work done with no permits. Marcus lied big time several weeks ago, claiming he had finally just gotten some permits to do the work. But as of October 26th, there have been no permits issued to him.
Wouldn’t a guy who can raise $550k in a month be able to raise enough to get this whole thing done by now?

He also says Firehouse is already outgrowing his building anyway. That is not true. Watch any service he has posted for the past year and you will see that on average, the sanctuary is half full, and that number has not changed since they moved in.
It should be entertaining to see if his supporters learned ANYTHING in the past year. Marcus bamboozled them all, telling them he was taking their donations to buy a building for a school for the kids. He’s using the space for a recording studio, and a personal exercise room and a big coffee house. The only gym and cafeteria space will be a new sanctuary. There isn’t room for a school.
Now he says- this burned down wrecked building- THIS would be more suitable for a church and a school and a studio and a trucking business and a pizza place and who knows what else. So he’s been putting money into fixing up that first run down building only to buy this disaster. How on earth does he think he has money to renovate both? Is he spending donor money on the current church only to abandon it before it’s done?
A question for Marcus’ supporters- what are you waiting for? Go ahead buy him a burned down building and while you are at it get him that down payment for the jet. You can eat Ramen noodles for a couple months. It’s for the kingdom- Marcus said so! But hey, did he happen to mention which kingdom? Because I don’t see this whole dystopic “Left Behind” scenario in the Bible.