December 22, 2024

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Deliverance, Occult and New Age Practices

Marcus rogers occult demonic

attribution: Saad Caudle Youtube channel Fear Of God Chicago

Marcus' ministry has been evolving more and more into all kinds of supernatural phenomenon. Marcus practices divination, including aura reading, astral projection, spiritual impartations (Kundalini) and most recently a heavy emphasis on deliverance, espousing the belief that born-again believers can be possessed by demons.

Marcus’ ministry has been evolving more and more into all kinds of supernatural phenomenon. Marcus practices divination, including aura reading, astral projection, spiritual impartations (Kundalini) and most recently a heavy emphasis on deliverance, espousing the belief that born-again believers can be possessed by demons.

Link to above video

Former Firehouse Member Exposes Marcus Rogers

originally posted June 1, 2021

In the past month, a new You Tube channel has started by a former member of Marcus’ new church, Firehouse. This member, who does not give a name (channel name is The Fear of God Chicago) says he was a committed member of the new church, helped with security and had a lot of personal interaction with Marcus. When Marcus rudely dismissed him and insulted him about a question about his Trump prophecy, he left the church. He has posted several videos already and plans to do more.

He has posted several excellent videos where he testifies of his firsthand witnessing of Marcus practicing fake prophecy, divination, aura reading, and Kundalini spiritism. This video shows in detail how he uses methods that are linked to Kundalini when claiming to perform exorcisms.

Here’s the intro to his first video:

I’m a former conducting member of marcus Rogers firehouse.. I met marcus via fb and attended his first firehouse here in Chicago.. marcus then reached out to me and asked if I’m willing to do security for future firehouse events.. the lord convicted my spirit to leave this guy alone after the first firehouse.. but by the 3rd I was convinced.. I do not hate marcus me and marcus didnt have a fall out prior, I’m not jealous, I dont want fame or star power.. I don’t wish to see marcus fall.. his tool can be use for the holy and perfect will of God.. I came to marcus respectfully time and time hes was very argumentative and confrontational.. and have since then blocked me so I shook my foot of the situation.. due to the constant release of this GOD SHOWED ME/TOLD ME VIDEOS I WAS LEAD BY THE SPIRIT TO RELEASE THIS INFO FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST GOD BLESS

Check out the videos to find out more details.
The Fear Of God Chicago

When You Practice Witchcraft, Expect to Have Some Issues

originally published July 21, 2021

The TLDR: Marcus practices witchcraft and calls it the Holy Spirit. This 7 minute video documents this. For more information keep reading. More context for this video is found later in this post.

To say Marcus Rogers is concerned about witchcraft is an understatement. He publishes videos often about witchcraft and demons. At the time this post was published the home video that every viewer sees if they visit his channel is this one. It has been his home video for several weeks now.

Often his discourse whenever witchcraft is the subject of his videos is in the context of either providing his opinions about others who practice it, or claiming to be the victim of attacks. How does he define it? As usual, he takes one single Bible verse and builds a doctrine around it. A doctrine he seems to find very important for some reason.


Witchcraft defined by Marcus.

Marcus has a rather unorthodox definition of witchcraft. He doesn’t deny the traditional definition that includes sorcery and divination, but adds to it a unique element, that rebellion is synonymous with witchcraft. But all sin is rebellion, and he doesn’t go as far as to say that, but he makes up this narrower definition where manipulation by fear is the form of rebellion that is witchcraft. As noted above, he bases his conclusions on one bible verse out of context and then, he adds to it. This video sums up his definition and the interpretation of 1 Samuel 15:23 and explains the fault in his interpretation.

We will revisit this definition later, but this article is a well written rebuttal to another teacher who espouses the “rebellion is synonymous with witchcraft” interpretation, if you would like more clarity. This video also refutes this definition.

Moving on, let’s examine Marcus’ teaching and practices regarding supernatural spirituality. He openly admits to affirming the doctrine of Oneness Pentecostalism (modalism) which denies the triune nature of God and therefore denies the personhood of the Holy Spirit. He refers to the Holy Spirit as a spiritual “gift” and “it” and even God’s DNA in me (whatever that means). Without the identity of personhood, the Holy Spirit is relegated to a role of a mindless energy force, an entity that must be summoned, earned and maintained by human works. The Holy Spirit, according to the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church Interntional, the largest Oneness denomination) , exists to provide confirmation of salvation and ongoing supernatural experience through speaking in tongues and personal divine revelations. For more information you can read about that here.

The unbiblical belief, that Marcus teaches frequently, that the ONLY confirmation of salvation is the mainfestation of speaking in tongues is not only heretical and a false gospel, it lends itself to the demonic. Those who are convinced that they must speak in tongues quickly become confused and anxious when the “spirit” doesn’t “manifest” the way it was supposed to. UPCI/Oneness churches won’t accept you as a member if you can’t confirm you are saved and prove it by speaking in tongues. They teach, contrary to Scripture, that anyone can speak in tongues, if they have enough faith and if needed, learn by practicing, i.e.”fake it til you make it”

If you have followed Marcus for a while, you know he adamantly teaches these principles. And while he often talks about his big events, he never really posts live videos of his events and services (sometimes he posts the rap and dance parts but not the sermons or “deliverance” parts) These events are always promoted as “Holy Ghost parties” where there is sure to be a “move of God”. If someone has a desire, even a fear-driven
panic, to speak in tongues to lock in their salvation, events like this are all too important.

When people are desperate to experience a supernatural phenomenon because their salvation depends on it, or they are convinced that they need a “breakthrough”(more tongues, or an emotional high) in order to be a “better” Christian who can display their status to others through an outward sign and at least temporarily tame the fears and insecurities that creep up when they haven’t had a “real” experience recently, they are not really focused on nor bearing the true fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, gentleness faithfulness and self control) Pursuing spiritual and emotional highs, (and calling them gifts) becomes an idol, an addiction. They begin to worship the gift, not the Giver. In that frame of mind, people are less likely to exercise good judgment and discernment about how, when and through whom do they find what they so desperately want. For more information about the possible hazards of the unbalanced pursuit of the Holy Spirit, this is a good article.

Without getting into a lengthy debate on cessationism, let’s proceed with a common sense approach. The bible clearly talks of the demonic realm, witchcraft, sorcery and familiar spirits. It warns us to avoid even the appearance of such things. The demonic realm tries to counterfeit the holy. We must be very careful to be discerning about the supernatural realm. Trusting that people you have never seen before are genuinely sincere believers like you and wouldn’t lead you astray is not wise. Going to a revival where there are “leaders” who dispense a “spirit” through impartations puts one at risk for a false encounter with an evil spirit. That evil spirit may or may not have the initial appearance of evil. It might be a great counterfeit that brings euphoria and the much desired “gift of tongues”. But that could be deceptively leading people away from the true God into the worship of the supernatural. Reading the Bible and praying soberly take a back seat to the more enjoyable,mindless pursuit of ecstatic frames of mind.

With all this in mind, let’s take closer look at a Firehouse event. Let’s look past the money shots that make the highlight reels that get posted on social media. Let’s gloss over, for a moment, the scientific fact that the bright lights and loud repetitive music affect our mental states, lowering our inhibitions. Is the gospel preached? Is there a balanced view of the Holy Spirit, or is there an unbalanced focus on the fulfillment of personal desires for a supernatural high? When things are out of balance, when the focus is not on the gospel, repentance and faith through grace, when false doctrine is being preached instead, you can be pretty sure that the real Holy Spirit of God will not show up and be pleased to perform “party tricks” on demand. The element of sacerdotalism- a fancy word for the notion that some people have more special Holy Spirit anointing, and have the ability to pass it on to others, is highly abused by Rogers and many others in the counterfeit, Kundalini charismatic movement as well. Marcus Rogers is not a more holy, or anointed person, no matter what kind of “fire” he has been through.

This is a Firehouse Event Promotion, stills from a video now deleted.

The highlighted comments (in yellow) were added by the author of this article.

On that note, red flags should go up whenever the Holy Spirit is referred to as “fire”. In the Bible, the fire of God is His wrath. To call down fire is to ask God to release His wrath. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, not a “fire”. Those dabbling in the demonic/occultic/witchcraft counterfeit versions of the Holy Spirit love to make references to the “fire”. It produces the expectation that what is about to be “imparted” may not be pleasant. Don’t be alarmed, they tell us, it’s just the demons that oppress you fighting the Holy Spirit. But what if they are false teachers, looking for the desperate people because they will donate a lot of money to get their share of “fire”? What if they are casting demons into people, not out? How would anyone know? If you experience a seizure or panic attack, they’d have you think it is normal spiritual warfare.

But chances are, that’s not how it works. The Holy Spirit is far more powerful than any demon. If there were a struggle it would be very short lived and the contrast evident by the victorious Holy Spirit would be devoid of any appearance of illness or evil. And nowhere in the Bible does it say to put God to that kind of test, demanding that He come to a Holy Ghost Party and do our bidding to jack up our emotions or daring him to join in a spiritual smackdown against the enemy. The Bible specifically says to NOT put God to the test. (Luke 4:12)

Marcus and Klaus demand the Holy Spirit to obey their commands

These are dangerous games to be playing. Demonic influence can be very real and devastating, and if people foolishly seek this kind of drama, God may just decide to give them over to it. For more information about Kundalini occult in the church, Andrew Strom, who is not a cessationist, produced this documentary.

Keep reading to get a better first hand look at the demonic fruits of Firehouse. But first, lets watch a quick overview of how witchcraft is practiced at Firehouse. Much thanks to Saad Caudle, a former conducting member of Firehouse, who is turning his encounter with Marcus and Firehouse into a testimony. He has published several videos of his first hand experience with Marcus. You may be surprised at what you see here, and if it concerns you, by all means, go to Saad’s channel and check out his videos. He is always gracious to answer questions. This video would not be possible without his work. (This is the same video as at the beginning of the post)


If you still have any doubts about what is being done in Jesus’ precious name in these worldly, rock concert events, where it’s all about me, and all about the fire, here’s a testimony you should know about. A young man seeking Jesus came to Marcus’ Atlanta event. He came home and made a video about it. Let’s see how it went.

I will make a few observations here. You are free to draw different conclusions but I will stand by what I think is very apparent. I want to say first and foremost and I can’t stress enough, this has broken my heart in a new way and I genuinely grieve for this young guy who seems like he sincerely wants to follow the Lord. But he found Marcus instead and just see what he got instead of solid counsel from God’s word and the worshipping of God in spirit and truth.
Also- trying to keep in mind that it took him 7 tries to make this video and this was apparently the best take, is outright distressing.

  • :09 He’s distressed by sounds around him- though nothing unusual comes across on the video
  • Stuttering and stammering continues, eyes darting around.
  • He seems very intent on talking about how great Marcus is
  • He came looking for “breakthrough”
  • He experienced “new stuff”
  • He hasn’t been in church since he was 5, so he was looking for any sign of deception, he didn’t see any.
  • 2:33 Trying to talk about Marcus’ friend, he gets lost and says “sorry, bad thoughts”
  • He got a shuddering up his spine when talking to the friend
  • He gets very agitated about a sound again
  • Loses train of thought, goes back to praising Marcus
  • Tells us he met Marcus once but he knows his character and knows his heart for God
  • Then he tells us how much he loves Marcus. He wouldn’t dance or rap like he did if he didn’t love him so much
  • But it was really his friend that impressed him more, when the guy spoke he could not stop shaking
  • As he describes the shaking and shivering, he starts shivering again
  • He says, there’s more but I won’t tell you because when I tried before I couldn’t do it
  • Then he tells us God is real, Jesus is real and that’s why we should all go check out Firehouse
  • He testifies that God is real because they all had an experience
  • Again, he says there is more but I can’t tell you, I tried but I can’t say the words
  • Marcus is humble
  • Pray about it, go to one of his services. You won’t be disappointed
  • Love God he is real, experience Jesus
  • Don’t bash Marcus(Jesus didn’t condemn anyone)
  • “Y’all not Jesus!”
  • Never mind
  • Sorry, no I’m not sorry. God isn’t the author of confusion the devil is.
  • l gotta go, because mosquitos! Love God,In Jesus name. Click

So much we could unpack here. His most coherent thoughts centered on how great Marcus is and what a great experience he had -all the shaking. I could go on, but I will summarize with this: It seems obvious to me that this fellow did not have an “encounter” with the Spirit of the only true God. This has all the signs of a Kundalini/occult experience, and this guy is still not ok. He seems so disoriented that his self awareness is lagging big time. I pray he will be restored in time.

I understand he may have had some issues before this incident, but his statements about loving Marcus, urging everyone to go to his events, don’t bash Marcus, Jesus didn’t condemn anyone, then “y’all not Jesus”- so much glorification of man and virtually none for God. And so much confusion and he said it himself –God is not the author of confusion.

Marcus constantly, arrogantly boasts to everyone to examine his fruit. I just did. Lord have mercy.

Update: see below for a report by another person who attended a Marcus Rogers event and witnessed witchcraft.


Before wrapping this up, let’s go back to the definition of witchcraft Marcus gave us. He’s strangely insistent that we understand that witchcraft is really all about rebellion, but only in the form of fear and manipulation. If he is going to continually post about witchcraft, we need to know what he is referring to.

This is coming from a “man of God” who posts bad news almost daily. And teaches that you better get baptized in Jesus name and then speak in tongues– do it today because if you die before that, you will go to hell. Oh and you better be careful you don’t lose your salvation. Marcus can’t tell anyone how to know they are saved, he can only point them to human works and the uncertainty that any sin can end your salvation if you are unfortunate enough to die while committing it, without a chance to formally repent of every sin, every day.

The world is ending. The LGBTQ are winning. The schools want to ruin your kids. The government is coming after you with poison vaccines and microchips. The economy is crashing. There are demons under your bed and witches crawling all over your church. You better not say anything critical of him or his buddies, or the bears will come and eat you. Don’t drink, don’t cuss, be modest, be good, be kind OR ELSE. If you don’t agree, with everything, better not tell him or he will call you a fake Christian, tell you you don’t have “the spirit”, to go read your Bible, then block you forever on social media. Marcus instills fear and condemnation of every type imaginable into anyone who will listen. He even makes physical threats against people he calls his haters. <–He’s just kidding, or is he?

BUT, he tells us, he and only he can help you. Follow me. Brother Marcus hears the voice of God and almost everyone else, except maybe a couple “big names” (that he won’t divulge), are false prophets. Follow me. I don’t care about anyone’s approval, I don’t care about anyone’s doctrine, I don’t care what others say, all that matters is that God talks to me. I made a deal with Him. Follow me. I can command God to do my will. Follow me, I am like Elijah. Follow me, I’m never wrong. I never apologize to anyone. (this is not exaggerating or mocking, check out this emotionally volatile rant ) (Update:added similar links below) Just follow me, come to my church, come to my events, partner with my ministry and be a part of something that matters, the only place with real fruit. And you better get those tongues. Money back guarantee if you come to Firehouse and don’t leave babbling. (Just kidding! Marcus doesn’t ever offer refunds!)

By constantly calling out the tendency of all kinds of other believers to willingly or inadvertantly participate in his definition of witch craft, he’s attempting to imply that he’s not like that, and he’s a victim of other witches, and actually expects to be believed. Now if that is actually working on people, I would totally agree, that’s some supernatural intervention from a strange source. There seems to be some deflection and distraction going on here, and since Marcus firmly believes that manipulation is witchcraft, even by his own faulty definition, he is a certified witch.

Marcus Rogers practices witchcraft- the use of occultic practices to invoke the demonic realm. He practices occult spiritism recklessly and ignorantly even by the standards of others who practice deliverance in churches. Anyone attending his services should be considered warned that they are in spiritual danger by attending and participating. Demons and witches flock to Firehouse because the Holy Spirit of God is not there.

He also expands the definition of witchcraft to include emotional manipulation, which he also practices. He attempts to create a reality by boldly stating lies and expecting them to be believed. Redefining the term allows him to accuse others of witchcraft, and deflect from his own actions.


More Marcus “Witchcraft


Marcus Rogers exposes himself by posting a Kundalini infomercial

August 3 2021– The Fear of God Chicago channel published this video in response to Marcus’ Aug 1 “Kundalini infomercial” video. In that video Marcus attempts to show us how authentic his “deliverance” is. He was quickly called out by about half the commenters, even those who said they do deliverance themselves. TFOGC video does a great job explaining the identical manifestations found in Kundalini and Firehouse. It is very well worth the time it takes to watch.

It’s worth adding that in the video, Marcus again twists the Bible. He uses the verse John 7:38 to justify how his ministry seems to look like Kundalini but really- its in the Bible . It’s his King James onlyism taken with NO CONTEXT when he says the spirit flows from our belly. NO No No. Every other translation translates the term ΚΟΙΛΊΑ as referring to the heart or inner being, and nearly every commentary affirms that by cross referencing the scriptures being referenced by Jesus himself. But the way Marcus twists it serves his purposes of summoning Kundalini. He even tries to justify vomiting as a sign of the Holy Spirit. This is nothing new In this article from 4 years ago, a woman vomited when Marcus prayed for her. He thought it was pretty cool.


Here are some interesting comments on a You tube video about Marcus on a channel called ME. Lovely Sadie gives an account of what she experienced at a Marcus Rogers event. She said it was very strange, and that instead of prayer, Marcus asked for everyone to send him their “positive energy” She then witnessed a bizarre demonic “deliverance” where she was asked by the others not to pray.

Including this testimony, we have now covered three eyewitness accounts of what happens at Marcus Rogers events, and the kinds of supernatural practices have a common thread of occultism. This post will be updated any time another testimony becomes available.

yt comment lovely sadie me

Short Update About Witchcraft

originally published August 4, 2021

Marcus Rogers inadvertently exposes his occult practices by posting a “Deliverance Infomercial” that turns out to be a DIY Kundalini demon demonstration.

Great video showing how Marcus thinks he is proving his delierance skills when actually he is demonstrating straight Kundalini manifestations

In June, Saad Caudle of The Fear Of God Chicago You tube channel and former conducting member for Firehouse church published a video that included footage of some occultic practices going on at Firehouse. After more research this blog published an article with short videos to further illustrate how extensively Firehouse is involved in demonic practices.

On August 1st, Marcus posted footage from his revival showing what he called deliverances. One deliverance in particular seemed alarming. After receiving an “Impartation” a young girl is shown thrashing around and screaming “Get it off me!! Take it off!”. She falls to the ground still screaming and Marcus takes his camera and walks away. He moves away and continues to talk while weeping softly about the amazing move of God he was a part of.

On August 2nd, he published a video about his Sunday service at Firehouse, showing their “deliverance room”. Apparently this is a very frequent occurrence at Firehouse. They can hardly keep up with the large numbers of witches and demons that seem to find them. He recorded while narrating two women being “delivered”. One is shown crying while another woman presses on her head, another vomits in a bucket while being handled by others. Marcus calls this a successful deliverance. He wraps up the video with a smiling young lady, whom he tells us was “delivered” from a demon last week. Marcus also mentions he was stabbed by a demon at some point, but apparently not physically and no serious damage was done. Many commenters questioned the legitimacy, including many who said they also do deliverance and thought that Marcus and his helpers were doing things in a reckless manner. Interestingly Marcus also included a short clip of the screaming girl from the night before, as if that was some kind of affirmation.

It would not be an authentic Marcus Rogers video without a Bible verse twisting. In this video we have his abuse of John 7:38. It’s his King James version taken with NO CONTEXT when he says the spirit flows from our belly. Wrong. Every other translation translates the term ΚΟΙΛΊΑ as referring to the heart or inner being, and nearly every commentary affirms that by cross referencing the scriptures being referenced by Jesus himself, that the work of the Holy Spirit flows from the place inside us where the Spirit dwells. But the way Marcus twists it serves his purposes of summoning Kundalini and even trying to legitimize vomiting as a sign.

Quick observation on the Marcusite definition of witchcraft as “rebellion in the form of manipulation” He posted this comment in the middle of the comment section of his infomercial as if it were true and should not be questioned:

He could delete them at any moment but at the time of publishing there were dozens, maybe hundreds, a large percentage- of comments doubting this video’s claims. But he seems to expect to be believed just because he said so and in spite of the reality all around him.

Saad Caudle was tagged in above the comment by a Firehouse supporter trying to mock him by offering the video as “proof” Marcus is not a demonic fraud. Within hours, Caudle posted a video response, thoroughly breaking down the demonic elements all throughout the video. It is a great exposition and exposure of the Kundalini practices that try to mimic the work of the Holy Spirit, and how Marcus Rogers is operating in demonic spiritism.

Please check out both videos and of course you can draw your own conclusions. We stand by our views.

December 2021

In December Marcus posted about his newest manifestation of occult, astral projection and levitation:

A couple months ago we published what we thought was a pretty comprehensive list of the specific reasons that Marcus Rogers is definitely not qualified as a pastor/teacher of God’s word.

  • Teaches false doctrine
  • False Prophecies
  • Inconsistent behaviors, patterns of ongoing sin
  • No accountability to others
  • Unwilling to take correction
  • Uses social media platform to share and monetize perverse content
  • Has no mentorship, education or training in theology or ministry
  • Associates with other false teachers

We now need to update our list to include what we know to be irrefutably factual: Marcus Rogers knowingly practices occult spiritism.

Marcus Rogers Discovers a New Spiritual Gift

Originally posted Oct 27, 2017

At a church service in Tracy, CA, Marcus and Matt posted a video of the “move of God” that happened under their leadership.  Here, a woman testifies that when Marcus prayed for her, she vomited.  No Biblical reference exists for the Holy Spirit causing such a phenomenon or even that it is a demonic manifestation.  It is equally likely it is the result of a bad tuna sandwich or stomach flu or emotional stress. Rogers referred to the incident as “spiritual surgery”.  This concept is also not found in scripture. But it is seen in Kundalini manifestations. In the church these phenomena are passed off as “deliverance”