The Apostasy Files

Confusion and Controversy 2

Attack of the demon possessed woman

March 26, 2017

Marcus appeared as a guest speaker at fellow Ft Campbell soldier (Apostle) Sean Miles’ Overflow Church in Clarksville TN.    An incident occurred right at the end of the service.

An unidentified woman interrupted and accused Marcus of having an affair with her. She was very loud and was asked to leave.  Instead, Marcus left the building abruptly. He then posted the following on Facebook

The next day he posted a video, which was soon deleted, to explain what happened.  He left the building because: (using quotes from the video):

“she said “You act like you don’t know me”

“I might had an idea, that I might seen someone like her on the internet”

“I felt like this chick might have a gun”

“I thought I might have to punch her or something”

Sean Miles was left to deal with the upset woman.  She left after being told the police would be called if she did not leave.  It is not known if anyone attempted to cast her demon out.

This woman is Carrissa Roze, You can find her testimony in the Saiko Woods files.  Marcus’s ex Lavern verifies that she was there and saw Carrissa.  She and Pastor Miles talked to her after Marcus left.

Clowns in the church-is this a bad thing?

This post appeared about 3 weeks after his appearance at the Lighthouse Church RiseUp event (Oct 2017)

 Marcus appeared on stage at Lighthouse following this “speaker”.

He is correct, The circus has invaded the church. Just about every service at Firehouse has lots of “info-tainment” which look like Sunday school object lessons for small children

And now for some EXTREME confusion-Profile scamming

Ever since he first became Facebook Famous, there have been dozens upon dozens of fake Marcus Rogers profiles, and dozens of women who have claimed to have been contacted by Rogers through these profiles, always with similar stories.  The woman receives a private message from the profile owner, claiming to be Rogers, saying that they want to initiate a relationship privately, away from the spotlight of his “fame”.  The women are asked to send pictures, sometimes explicit, sometimes not.  They are complimented and told stories of needing an intimate relationship with them, someone special to confide in.  Eventually, requests for money, often “for his kids”, begin. Some even claim promises of marriage were made.

Here is an email sent to this blog recently:

Rogers has always denied any involvement.  He states that his haters are jealous and just looking to ruin his reputation.   These profiles use the same pics that Rogers has posted, some with his ex and his kids, but often change small details like where he lives or works.

Rogers could easily have them shut down by reporting them, and sometimes they do indeed get shut down, only to have new ones appear. 

While it could be true, or not, the one thing Rogers easily could do to put an end to it is something he has never done.  He could get his account verified by Facebook, and youTube and Instagram. like most internet celebrities do.  It really isn’t hard.  He just has to provide some ID information that is verifiable, and they will provide his account with the blue check mark.  And then Facebook would also actively prevent false accounts from using his info.  What possible reason would he have to not want this when it has been such a pervasive, serious and ongoing issue? What kind of person allows pictures of his kids to be used to scam naive women out of money when it could be easily prevented?

At one point, after being pressured by followers, he said he was working on it.

He claims that ALL the social media platforms refuse to verify his account because they are anti- God and persecute Christians.

After a large fake profile on Instagram kept messing with his followersreach numbers, he fianlly got verified in April 2023.  Still not verified on Facebook or Youtube as of January 2025

Examples of fake profiles:

Update June 2021
Mac Prayze, a christian You tube rapper, posted this video about being scammed by a very believable Marcus Rogers Facebook “impersonator”

Love your enemies?

Marcus’ approach to dealing with those who disagree raises some eyebrows at times.

In this video Marcus brandishes a large knife and “jokes” about how he makes his haters cry.

He actually brags about blocking “haters” (anyone who questions even politely, respectfully, any of his views) He even made a video about it.

Posted April 2021

Posted in March 2021

From July 2020         Here he justifies his harsh behavior

Lest you hear Marcus claim as he often does, that he has made “mistakes” in the past but that was, in the past, here are some updates from 2021

Feb 4 2022, Marcus’ manners have not improved. This is his behavior on social media toward Ed Toby

June 29, Marcus posted this rant and didn’t like the responses he got.

He soon deleted this post.

He also posted this the same day and deleted it after mostly negative comments about the mocking tone


With increasing frequency, Marcus posts about other YouTubers who make videos about him.  He “warns” them that God will punish those who touch (say anything he doesn’t like)  his anointed (him!) He even goes so far as to point out which ones are “obviously” demonic! Published in May 2021

In this Facebook live video, Marcus goes on an emotional rant where he challenges anyone who criticizes him to come and meet with him in a “back room” and have a showdown- who really has the REAL spirit. Insults them, promises to block them, vows he would never apologize to casual Christians.

Over the years, has created a narrative of two levels of Christians, the casual Christians and those who are Spirit filled. And now he is declaring war on the casual Christians. How does he define them? It’s kinda vague but he can tell if you have “the spirit” or not. It also has to do with his basic definition of salvation being tied to speaking in tongues.

In this video he tells us how he tells the casual (fake, unsaved) Christians from the real “spirit- filled” ones

What Fruit of the Spirit Is This?

Marcus going nonstop hurling insults and slurs at Saiko Woods.

Click Baiting Followers Backfires

Rogers posted a video on Facebook entitled “The Engagement is Off”. 
Turns out this was just an attention-grabbing clickbait title.   It started with a dramatized “argument” where his fiance breaks off the engagement.   Turns out that was just a lead into his latest rap video about love.  On 8/20, he posted a response on  Facebook and You tube about all the negative feedback. He called out those who criticized the clickbait ruse to promote his music, saying “Christians love drama”.    Commenters were not impressed with the clickbait tactic, and also often indicated the video seems to show the two of them- still engaged-  on a vacation together.

Marcus Rogers has become proficient in the art of the clickbait over the years, after all, he has had no job since he left the Army, so social media is a large part of his livelihood and clicks =$. The headlines are sometimes half truth, but at times, flat lies. The video with the pregnancy test result had nothing to do with anyone’s pregnancy. These are just a few examples.

The Mark of a False Teacher-Spreading Porn

originally published April 7, 2021

In the past four weeks, Marcus has posted about 70 videos. A full 25% focus on calling out celebrity scandals. Of these, 8 videos, more than 10%, are centered on two celebrities that have posted very explicit content. Now on its own that’s not a problem, but Marcus includes graphic pics, even on the cover slides of his videos. His followers are force fed these images in their feeds. And then, they respond, which can further spread the images to their friends. This is sending traffic and money to the evil he claims to oppose and polluting the minds of thousands of believers and unbelievers as well, who must be confused as to why they are getting porn from a Christian friend.

No solid ministers of the gospel are using their platforms to contribute to the hype or spread the awful images you can’t unsee. There’s just the grifters who are blinded by the greed of more clicks that come from posting the salacious, and flaming outrage culture.

There is no need to point out the extremely obvious, that sinners sin. And the Bible tells us not to judge the unsaved because they are already under judgment. They need the message of grace. Even many of the most secular media outlets have called out the explicit content. Marcus has contributed nothing unique nor even helpful to the gospel. Time would be better spent calling out those who are immature, ignorant or deceptive believers who distort the truth of the gospel. Or, here’s an idea, just stick to the gospel which is the only answer for all the problems of our world.

Marcus, you need to repent and stop this damage you are doing to the body of Christ. It’s too late to take back the porn you have spread already, but please, no more.

And readers beware, follow Marcus at your own risk of knowingly accepting his posts in your feed, with the understanding he has no problem sending you pornographic images.

Just a few of many comments from one of the explicit videos

Shout out to AVA C for doing what Marcus should be doing. Preaching the gospel. It is the only hope for the world

Even an atheist can understand this universal truth-

“Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you”


UPDATE 4/8/21
Today he posted yet another video about one of the celebrities. This time, his cover slide features graphic images of demons and it’s title states that last night a demon version of the said celebrity visited him in a dream.

Marcus posts about a lot of dreams, many are more like nightmares, and also makes many videos at 2 or 3 am, explaining he was woken up. Marcus posts quite often about sin, depravity and evil. Perhaps not focusing on evil and exalting the glory of God would bring more peace, joy, goodness, gentleness, all the fruits of the Spirit instead of the fruit of evil- nightmares, despair, chaos, restlessness and agitation.

1 Thess 5:22 tells us to abstain from all appearance of evil, and Phillipians 4:8 tells us to dwell on good things. Nowhere are we told to go looking for demons and evil, just to be aware such things exist and to resist evil when it tests us. 1 Cor 5:12 is the verse that tells us to not be concerned with judging those outside out churches.

Proverbs 4:16 For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil; And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall.


****Trigger warning applies to following: (Images of potential self harm, violence)


Creative preaching?

Speaking of  drama, Marcus has gone to some extreme lengths to “illustrate” his “profound” spiritual insights

Video from 2017. Click bait title is disturbing. Also misleading.

During a livestream video with Matt Cruz, Marcus pulls out a huge knife and jokes about how he makes his haters cry.

this pic combined with some alarming remarks prompted a call for a welfare check to Fort Campbell

Using a Child as a Prop

In a now deleted video, Marcus, trying to humorously illustrate “fighting” demons, throws his young child across the room into a corner on the floor.

Promoting Gun Violence?

Marcus posted his Door of Adonai video as if it is the most awesome thing he has ever done. He originally captioned it as putting the streets of Chicago on notice. The video has scenes of his congregation marching in formation, entering an armory and toting guns, all somehow related to spiritual warfare. he eventually changed the video description to something about wanting Chicago to know they are welcome. So did God tell him to post the first one about putting the streets on notice, or the second one that said something about wanting all of Chicago to be welcome. Nothing says welcome more than gun waving?

More updates and receipts

This is Saiko woods’ series about Marcus Rogers- Who is telling the truth part 5.

This covers a variety of controversial issues including conversations with Marcus’s ex wife and secret baby mama and an analysis of the large check Marcus showed in a recent video.

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