December 21, 2024

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Book of the Month Archive

  • 📖Book Of the Month📖Know the Heretics
    This month we feature “Know the Heretics” by Justin Holcomb This book is a great overview of the major heresies found in the Christian faith.
  • 📖Book of the Month📖
    Delighting in the Trinity is a book that lives up to its subtitle: An Introduction to the Christian Faith. If you ever wondered why the concept of the Trinity was important, how to understand it, or what the practical implication of it are, this book has those answers.
  • Book Of The Month -January 2022 “A Serrated Edge”
    Today we premiere our monthly book review. “A Serrated Edge” By Douglas Wilson. Our inaugural book sums up the essence of Biblical satire.