March 25, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

The True Gospel

Part of good discernment is knowing true doctrine. It’s especially true to know the most essential doctrine of our salvation. Other errors are not as dangerous, but those with a false gospel are in danger of eternal condemnation. Make sure you know the basics of salvation.

The standard of the true gospel of Christ crucified is our benchmark. We are saved by grace alone , through faith alone, in the finished work of Christ on the cross who atoned for our sins, according to Scripture alone which was decreed from eternity past for the glory of God alone. The Bible tells us everything we need to know regarding the most essential doctrines of our faith The Bible is the God-inspired and inerrant word of God. We believe in a Triune God and that the very nature of the gospel is inseparable from the unique attributes of the Trinity. We reject any form of works-based salvation and any extra-biblical, gnostic revelation that counters or supersedes the authority of Scripture.

Here are some resources to learn the basics of the true gospel.