The Woke Gospel, also known as the Social Justice Gospel, is a term coined to describe the infiltration of Critical Race theory into the church. It is a false gospel because it adds to the Gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. How so? The proponents of what some call the Social Justice Gospel/Woke gospel have been twisting the Bible’s words to preach that the only “real” Christians are the ones that embrace all the tenets of CRT. Anyone who rejects this concept is not a sincere Christian.
What is Critical Race Theory? – According to Jason Whitaker of Dear Woke Christian, CRT is “Viewing all inequities in society as racial rather than natural discrepancies.”
There are several really solid platforms that help unpack all these difficulties. Surely we are to care about social issues, but from within the framework of the real gospel. Any solid platform that addresses this topic should be about explaining that the Word of God, the true Gospel, holds all the answers we need to the moral problems of our day. No man-made solutions need to be added. They only dilute the power of the Word.
Here are some recommended resources to help you understand and apply truth to what the world tries to indoctrinate us with.
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Dear Woke Christian
Brother Jason Whitaker began his platform with a blog, and last September brought his message to YouTube. He also has a passion to encourage others to find their voice to make much of Christ.
The Blog- Dear Woke Christian
“CRT takes the glory of Christ’s finished work on the cross and turns it into a work that you and I need to finish and complete. Am I wrong? Show me where I am wrong.” from The Anti-Gospel, October 1, 2021
The You Tube Channel – Dear Woke Christian
Jason’s channel is very interactive. He will answer questions, take suggestions, respond to comments and does live broadcasts to foster real conversations. His coverage of the Woke Gospel issues is very insightful and his perspectives are theologically sound. He keeps it real.
On Spotify- Dear Woke Christian
Exhibit 2
Steve Lawson explains why human answers don’t work for moral problems, and how this principle applies to the social justice gospel. Thanks to Montana Viking for making this clip available in a creative and interesting format. These excerpts were taken from Ligonier Conference Q & A session. You can watch the entire session here.
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Resource list from Faith Baptist Church
This link is to a list of sermons, documentaries, definitions, a glossary of terms and other items to help you understand a Biblical worldview. This chart is on the list

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Voddie Baucham
Voddie Baucham, a lifelong pastor and teacher, has defined the social justice movement as Cultural Marxism. There are many many great sermons available online based on his best selling book, Fault Lines

“I have heard a mantra lately that rings hollow in my ears: “There can be no reconciliation without justice.” When I hear that, I want to scream, “YES! AND THE DEATH OF CHRIST IS THAT JUSTICE!” All other justice is proximate and insufficient. It is because of Christ’s work on the cross that that we can heed the apostle’s admonition: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31–32). Who am I to tell a white brother that he cannot be reconciled to me until he has drudged up all of the racial sins of his and his ancestors’ past and made proper restitution? Christ has atoned for sin!”
― Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe
One of his best sermons on this topic
Great video by ReformedWiki2.0- short but informative
A good overview of Woke Gospel as explained by Baucham, Short but it spells out the basics of the issue