For more information about false teachers and how to refute their errors, here are some good resources (more to come, just getting started)
Videos, Video Channels
- An Idiot with A Bible YouTube Channel
- Revealing Truth You Tube Channel
- Strange Fire conference series
- iThink Biblically
- False Teachers Exposed Indexed video with a variety of information
Discernment Websites
- Fighting for the Faith Blog, podcast, You Tube
- NAR Connections List of false teacher affliliations and connections, links for more info
- Got Questions
- The Messed Up Church blog, podcast resources, videos
- Living Waters- focus on evangelism and the Gospel- books, movies, videos, classes, articles
- On Solid Rock Resources Great information on a variety of topics in an easy to read format
- American Gospel- Christ Alone
- AGTV-paid streaming channel has many sermons, documentaries and videos on these subjects