This page will be a resource of links and articles to help you learn to identify false teaching.
- ✨False Teachers✨Don’t let the 4 hour length deter you. Save this video as a research resource.
- ✨How to Identify & Avoid False Teachings by the Messed Up Church✨This video originally aired on Doreen Virtue’s channel Her guests Steve Kozar of the Messed Up Church and Melissa Dougherty give some very sound counsel and wisdom about false teaching.
- ✨Why God Raises False Teachers✨This is a sermon jam titled “Joel Osteen, it’s just the Truth” with clips by Paul Washer
- ✨False teachers and division✨Where do we draw a line when determining who we call our brothers and sisters in Christ?
- Spiritual Abuse/Ed Citronelli by Mike WingerToday’s video,by exceptional apologist Mike Winger, exposes Ed Citronelli’s false teaching and deception.
- False UnityToday’s video is another short clip edited by Dreday from Jeff Rose at 116 Church….
- Strange Fire ConferenceToday’s video is an entire playlist. In 2013 John MacArthur hosted a conference with a…
- An Atheist Refutes Speaking in TonguesAtheist Proves Marcus Rogers Wrong About Tongues!
- Refuting Word of Faith and NAR False GospelsOne of the most toxic and pervasive false doctrines in the past 100 years is the Prosperity Gospel. In more recent years, it has evolved into the New Apostolic Reformation, which adds more heresy to this heresy.
- 10 ways to identify false teachers by April ChapmanTodays Video of the Day is by April Chapman. “Are you being deceived by a false teacher?”
- How to Identify False TeachingHave you ever listened to a sermon and thought something just didn’t seem right, but you couldn’t put your finger on what it was? Next time, try this easy test.