All the coolest, most popular heretics use the same manipulative doctrines to lead people astray Here’s our ever-growing list.
- 🌽Another Corny False Teacher Doctrine: 🌽Generational Curses🌽False teachers use Exodus 20:5 “punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” as if it is a mystical phenomenon.
- 🌽Another Corny False Teacher Doctrine- Baptism of Fire🌽The verses in Matthew 3 7-12 are taken out of context by false teachers. Often…
- 🌽Another Corny Doctrine Alert🌽We Will Do Greater Works Than Jesus!Another Corny Doctrine promoted by false teachers who teach that believers will perform more and greater signs and wonders than Jesus did.
- 🌽Another Corny False Teacher Doctrine🌽Jesus Hung Out with SinnersAnother Corny doctrine misused by many teachers. Didn’t Jesus hang out with sinners?
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽Without A Vision the People Will Perish“Everyone ends up somewhere, but few end up somewhere on purpose.” Andy Stanley is often credited for kick starting this silly doctrine with that catch-phrase.
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽 NarcigesisThis corny doctrine is more of an error in teaching. It arose out of the social media selfie age.
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽Shifting AtmospheresFalse teachers often tell us that we can and should “shift the atmosphere” from demonic to prophetic.
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽 Sow a Seed for ProsperityCorny false doctrine- the ever popular “sow a seed’ doctrine that is the foundation of the prosperity gospel. Keep reading to find out why it is wrong wrong wrong.
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽Rebellion is the sin of WitchcraftRebellion is the sin of witchcraft? All sin is rebellion against God. False teachers really stretch the Bible to make this doctrine work.
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽- Touch Not My Anointed!This is one is an oldie but a goodie. One of Benny Hinn’s favorites!
- 🌽Corny Doctrine Alert!🌽 “The Religious Spirit”Oy Vey. This one has really been going strong lately.