Social Media- we all know it has its downside. When it comes to spreading false doctrines, the false teachers (wolves in sheep’s clothing as the Bible calls them) have had free range on social media. We will help point out the truly heretical- those who are way beyond the widely accepted, Biblically orthodox teachings of the church throughout the church age. Our focus will be on preachers, pastors, teachers, self-appointed apostles and apostlettes and ministries that are primarily located on social media, where accountability is scant or non-existent. We will present clear refutation and sound exegesis to counter these false teachings
We use the standard of the true gospel of Christ crucified as our benchmark. We are saved by grace alone , through faith alone, in the finished work of Christ on the cross who atoned for our sins, according to Scripture alone which was decreed from eternity past for the glory of God alone. The Bible tells us everything we need to know regarding the most essential doctrines of our faith The Bible is the God-inspired and inerrant word of God. We believe in a Triune God and that the very nature of the gospel is inseparable from the unique attributes of the Trinity. We reject any form of works-based salvation and any extra-biblical, gnostic revelation that counters or supersedes the authority of Scripture.
Our primary concern is that unbalanced and un-Biblical teaching leads away from the gospel and endangers the eternal salvation of those who are not yet believers, or the unlearned, the naive, and those in any other way vulnerable to manipulations common to false teachers. We will also raise some red flags as cautions to guard against the appearance of witchcraft, occult, new Age, sorcery, divination, simony, and Word of Faith/prosperity gospel teachings. And rest assured we have done our homework, these are all long-term offenders who have been admonished by many on social media, addressing them directly on social media with no response.
We will also make a few references to a special category- Heretic Huggers. These are online content creators whose ministries seek to educate and edify the Body of Christ, and while their own teaching is within Biblical standards, they make a grave error in affirming as brothers and sisters those heretics known to teach a false gospel. We believe they do equal harm to the Body of Christ by failing to mark and avoid the wolves in our midst and instead confer a legitimacy where none ought to exist.
Click below to explore these topics.
We will also maintain a resource page for other discernment ministries for more in-depth research.
More apologetics articles here:
- ✨Church Discipline✨Today’s video is from Montana Viking ‘s series based on Paul Washer’s sermon “10 Indictments of the Modern American Church”. Broken down individually, they explain errors in how the true gospel is taught
- ✨Emotionalism in the Church✨Today’s video by Kdubtru- Is Emotionalism WRONG in the church? uses the example of a service at Alexander Pagani’s ministry.
- ✨Woke Gospel Refuted by Reformed Wiki 2.0✨Today’s video features Voddie Baucham refuting the ideals an statements of leading proponents of Critical Race theory.
- ✨Five Fold Ministry✨Today’s video is by Long for Truth Channel Is the Five Fold ministry for today?
- The Gospel- Voddie Baucham on Reformed Wiki ChannelA reminder that it is the gospel that inspires us to reach out to the unsaved among us, including those lost in false doctrines and gospels. Voddie Baucham’s 4 minute presentation is courtesy of Reformed Wiki channel
- Dear Woke Christian-Run from Andy StanleyToday’s video by Dear Woke Christian is about false teacher Andy Stanley, “pastor” of North Point Church in Georgia
- Spiritual Abuse/Ed Citronelli by Mike WingerToday’s video,by exceptional apologist Mike Winger, exposes Ed Citronelli’s false teaching and deception.
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- An Atheist Refutes Speaking in TonguesAtheist Proves Marcus Rogers Wrong About Tongues!
- Refuting Word of Faith and NAR False GospelsOne of the most toxic and pervasive false doctrines in the past 100 years is the Prosperity Gospel. In more recent years, it has evolved into the New Apostolic Reformation, which adds more heresy to this heresy.
- New Addition to our Apologetics: False WorshipWe are adding a new page to our Apologetics section. False worship in our churches is just as serious as false teaching. The hyper- emotional emphasis of modern worship can be misleading to people who think they are saved because the music makes them respond emotionally. That is not how salvation works.
- Identifying False Teachers By After Malachi****A Must Watch*** A perfect, short, concise pattern for analyzing any sermon. Kudos to After Malachi, this small channel has some great videos. Check it out.
- Historic Origins of the Modern Social Media HereticsThis is our first article published by team member Ernest Contender. EC has been an outstanding researcher for this blog since its beginning
- ReceiptologySaiko Woods did a live broadcast tonight on his Youtube channel. As he had promised on his last broadcast he had more receipts on Marcus Rogers. But more importantly, Saiko laid down his case for exposing the information he has
- Why false prophecy is dangerousGod’s standards for His prophets are strict.