March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Saiko Woods Files- The Recap- Who’s Telling the Truth Part 2

The Saiko Woods Files- 4 hours and 200 slides! It's a lot to process. Here is a recap intended to summarize the content. Please be advised, our intention in publishing this information is to warn the body of Christ of a serious problem. This is NOT intended for believers who are already convinced the Marcus Rogers's doctrine is dangerously heretical enough to mark and avoid him. The motivation is to reach those who support him unaware that not only is his doctrine in error, he is biblically unqualified as a teacher of the Word.

This article will be a recap of the 4 hours of video by Saiko Woods, and the 200+ screenshots cataloged in our post, (all the screenshots and receipts can be found here) which catalog the testimony of multiple women regarding the unbiblical conduct of Marcus Rogers A brief overall summary follows. Before I begin, I’d like to make four things clear.

1) This post is intended for mature audiences. Though I won’t be repeating anything verbatim that is highly offensive I will make some references to that content.

2) The Saiko Files is intended for those who do not understand the gravity of the situation and/or are not convinced that his doctrinal issues are sufficient to “mark and avoid” and reject supporting his ministry. It is not recommended for believers that are already well informed that Marcus Rogers’s ministry and church are to be avoided due to heretical doctrines. There isn’t the same value to be gained. We are exposing some very ugly truth here because sometimes that is what it takes to demonstrate that a false teacher is unqualified to hold the office of pastor.

3) This post will go further than simply repeating what has already been said. It is an attempt to edit a large amount of information into a condensed summary and therefore we could be accused of a biased conclusion. Readers are free to sift through the information in the full set of files for themselves and draw their own conclusions. We do not draw any definitive conclusions. None should be inferred.

4) This is testimony as reported by the following parties. We make no claims on their behalf for their veracity but have taken the time to publish them as they appear credible. If it turns out that any or all are false, we will gladly retract and make corrections. We are proceeding in good faith.

First, a quick primer on the parties involved:


      • Marcus Rogers-All references to “he” or “him” are Marcus unless otherwise noted

      • Ex wife 1– will be referred to as Ex1

      • Ex wife 2– will be referred to as Ex2

      • Baby Mama– The woman who claims she is the mother of Rogers’ two year old daughter

      • Carrissa– The woman from Indiana who claims to have had years-long relationship with Rogers, including an intimate relationship

      • Tabitha– Another woman who claims to have had an extensive affair with Rogers

      • Keith– Tabitha’s ex husband

      • Miss C– woman who gave same testimonies to Carrissa and Baby Mama about Marcus Rogers

      • Anonymous source (AS)– a party who provided extensive record of communication with Ex2

      • Anon 1– Anonymous woman who gave testimony about her interactions with Marcus

      • Anon 2-Anonymous woman who gave testimony about her interactions with Marcus

      • Anon 3 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus

      • Anon 4 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus

      • Anon 5 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus


    We have extensive text messages from an anonymous source where Ex2 discusses her marriage and divorce and co-parenting with Marcus Rogers. Among her assertions are that


        • He tried to keep her from working outside the home and isolated her from others

        • He had multiple affairs

        • She befriended one of his mistresses (Carrissa) and warned another girlfriend he was bad news.

        • She objected to the way Marcus used his kids as “props” in videos

        • She was seriously physically abused by Marcus on several occassions

        • He emotionally abused his children by kidnapping them on several occassions and using them to control her behavior

        • He has often been delinquent in child support payments

        • He doesn’t speak well of anyone he knows, makes fun of those who consider him a friend

        • She calls him a “scam artist” and a “fraud”

        • He entirely made up a story where his daughter had been molested by classmates at school. He made a video prompting her to tell the story in detail for about ten minutes. Ex2 says her daughter had not even been in school that day and that perhaps one little boy had kissed her at one point but that was all. She stated that the entire story was made up by Marcus and he coached her to tell it on the video.

        • Stated he told her he was a big fan of Cardi B, though for years he had complained that Ex2 was “too worldly” and not attractive enough

        • Marcus claims they are on good terms when they are not

        • She hasn’t spoken out against him for concern of how he will use the kids for revenge

        • None of the pastors in the churches they attended wanted to be associated with him

        • She found pictures of one pastor’s underage daughter on his computer, he refused to delete them

        • She corroborates the incident at the church in Tennessee and affirms Marcus lied about it


      Met Marcus Rogers online through a fake page, claims he proposed and planned to marry him. Among our receipts:


          • Text messages between Marcus and Tabitha

          • Receipts from a florist for wedding flowers

          • Social media posts and voicemails from Tabitha’s ex, Keith

          • Affirmation from Carrissa that her experience and the wording, patterns and methods used by Marcus in his communication with her were similar to Tabitha’s

          • Texts from Tabitha’s friends stating they believed she was going to marry Marcus Rogers

          • Friends texts state Marcus and Tabitha spent a night in a motel in Texas

          • Both Tabitha and Carrissa were present at the church in Tennessee when Carrissa attempted to confront Marcus

        Keith- Tabitha’s ex


            • As noted above voice mails from him indicate he really believed it was Marcus Rogers that was trying to scam his ex wife

            • Keith Robinson claims to have been arrested because of some incident involving Marcus Rogers

          Baby Mama

          From Louisiana, has had a relationship with Marcus for three years and has a 2-year-old daughter by him. Her statements include:


              • Extensive descriptions of her and Marcus co-parenting a child.

              • Baby was conceived before Marcus married Jazmin

              • Jazmin was aware of baby and Marcus’s ongoing relationship with her and their baby

              • Marcus has sent financial support to her

              • Marcus proposed to her before proposing to Jazmin, their relationship was apparently going on at the same time Jazmin and Marcus were dating

              • Jazmin agreed to an open marriage

              • Said Jazmin and Marcus were dating for three years prior to engagement

              • Marcus has visited numerous times and also does Facetime calls.

              • Baby Mama became pregnant a second time with Marcus but aborted the baby, Claims she could not stand the thought of him having more involvement in her life

              • Expressed concern multiple times over an incurable contagious disease Marcus had

              • Met Marcus through a fake social media profile

              • Claims to have made a sex tape with Marcus

              • Has extensive knowledge of an investigation by the FBI into Marcus’ online scamming

              • Stated she knew he had had sex with men.

              • Was friends with Carrissa and Miss C over a long period of time

              • When asked where Miss C is from, she answered Jamaica or Nigeria

              • Baby Mama does not allow Jazmin to visit with their baby


            Met Marcus online, while he was married at Fort Campbell. Says they are still in contact periodically to this day. Her statements include:


                • She confronted him at a church in Tennessee with his wife present.

                • Confirms that Tabitha was also at the church that day

                • Says he would visit her on weekend trips to Chicago to see his kids

                • Says she knew he used fake profiles to talk to women

                • Says he still uses fake profiles and phone numbers to contact her.

                • Has befriended almost all the women in this video at some point

                • Claims he has been scamming since his Army days

                • Claims he told her about his bisexuality

                • Said Marcus made up the Instagram “fake baby mama profile” last fall himself, and used it to contact her

                • Claims to have knowledge of his involvement in Nigerian profile fraud scheme.

              Miss C

              All we know about her is what was said by Carrissa and Baby Mama, the following are not direct quotes:


                  • Miss C was conned by Marcus. He gained her trust and she agreed to give him $100. She said he then hacked that bank account and took $1500. That account was actually her son’s account. He was in the Army, so the Army got involved and called the FBI to investigate. It appears the investigation hit a dead end when then it led to Nigeria and the FBI had no authority to go further

                  • Miss C affirmed Marcus told her that Marcus was getting married in February.

                  • Baby Mama stated that she and Miss C had the same phone number to reach Marcus

                Anon 1

                The anonymous woman who did a phone interview with Saiko These are her statements:


                    • Spoke to Carrissa, they agreed that their experiences were similar

                    • Marcus referred to her as his wife

                    • He wanted her to meet him in Texas for a weekend

                    • She initially gave him some money. He became angry and distant when she refused to give more

                    • Did not meet him in person

                    • He talked about going on a road trip to pick up his kids in Chicago.

                  Anon 2

                  An anonymous woman who had text conversations with Carrissa. Her statements include:


                      • Marcus told her the true story of the incident at the Tennessee church- that he left immediately without talking to her

                    Anon 3

                    Anonymous woman had text conversations with Carrissa. Her statements include:


                        • Told Carrissa she observed lots of women on Marcus’s social media pages making similar claims of romance with him

                        • Admits Marcus asked her for money, nude pics

                        • Does not want any more involvement in his affairs but does not like to see other women being used

                      Anon 4

                      Text conversation with Saiko. Her statements include:


                          • Did not want to talk extensively but affirmed that he was a scammer

                        Anon 5

                        Text message conversation with Saiko. Her statements include:


                            • Admits to being scammed by Marcus

                            • Was invited to meet him at several of his out of town events

                            • She describes how he involved her and her sister in a check fraud scheme


                          Marcus’s first ex-wife has not made any comments directly about her relationship with him. But we do have a Facebook post made by her sister where she asserts:


                              • Marcus was unfaithful to Ex1

                              • Marcus divorced Ex1 while stationed in Virginia by going to a distant county and filing a claim for divorce based on him not being able to locate her (abandonment)

                              • Ex1 left Virginia before the birth of their son because she said Marcus was unfaithful and abusive

                              • Ex1 accepted the divorce on advice from Chicago pastor Ric Gonzales (ICF church in Chicago)

                              • Ex1 and Ex2 were both married by the same pastor at Peninsula Pentecostals Church in Virginia (JR Arango)

                            –End of content summary from the video slides–

                            Some common threads observed:


                                • Similar methods patterns and styles of communication

                                • Multiple reports of his alleged bisexuality

                                • Mulitple reports of apparent financial scamming- asking for money under false pretenses

                                • Multiple reports of having met him through fake pages then meeting him in person

                                • Multiple reports of him having a blood-borne contagious disease.

                                • Similarities in how financial scamming was done through social media

                                • References to connections in Nigeria

                                • References to an FBI investigation

                                • Multiple claims that Marcus and Jazmin got married in February, not August

                                • Multiple claims of having met up with Marcus in Texas or asked to meet him there

                                • Multiple claims of Marcus calling them “wifey” or “wife”

                                • Phone numbers used by Marcus were confirmed by multiple women

                              Some further notes


                                  • Marcus Rogers refuses to get his accounts verified and says that all social media platforms refuse to verify his account because they hate Christians

                                  • Marcus Rogers told his followers he got engaged in July 2019 and showed pics of a wedding ceremony in August 2019. In February 2021 He showed pics of himself and Jazmin in their same wedding attire outdoors in clearly a winter month. There was no description on the post.

                                  • This blog has a copy of the video referenced by Ex2 in which Marcus asked his daughter to describe an alleged sexual incident at her school. We have no intention of posting it to protect the child but can affirm that Ex2 is not fabricating this.

                                  • This blog has 3 contributors who attest to seeing a video posted by Marcus immediately after the Tennessee church incident where Marcus said he had been “attacked by a demon possessed woman” He made statements explaining that he left because “he thought she might have a gun” and “he might have to punch her” He deleted that video within an hour and no one has a copy of it. This blog did a report on the incident immediately after it happened. You can read it on the page titled “Confusion and Controversy

                                  • ICF Pastor Ric Gonzales has partnered with Marcus at revival events

                                  • More evidence will be presented in the near future

                                Click here to see the receipts

                                –end of the article–

                                This article will be a recap of the 4 hours of video by Saiko Woods, and the 200+ screenshots cataloged in our post, which catalog the testimony of multiple women regarding the unbiblical conduct of Marcus Rogers A brief overall summary follows. Before I begin, I’d like to make four things clear.

                                1) This post is intended for mature audiences. Though I won’t be repeating anything verbatim that is highly offensive I will make some references to that content.

                                2) The Saiko Files is intended for those who do not understand the gravity of the situation and/or are not convinced that his doctrinal issues are sufficient to “mark and avoid” and reject supporting his ministry. It is not recommended for believers that are already well informed that Marcus Rogers’s ministry and church are to be avoided due to heretical doctrines. There isn’t the same value to be gained. We are exposing some very ugly truth here because sometimes that is what it takes to demonstrate that a false teacher is unqualified to hold the office of pastor.

                                3) This post will go further than simply repeating what has already been said. It is an attempt to edit a large amount of information into a condensed summary and therefore we could be accused of a biased conclusion. Readers are free to sift through the information in the full set of files for themselves and draw their own conclusions. We do not draw any definitive conclusions. None should be inferred.

                                4) This is testimony as reported by the following parties. We make no claims on their behalf for their veracity but have taken the time to publish them as they appear credible. If it turns out that any or all are false, we will gladly retract and make corrections. We are proceeding in good faith.

                                First, a quick primer on the parties involved:


                                  • Marcus Rogers-All references to “he” or “him” are Marcus unless otherwise noted

                                  • Ex wife 1– will be referred to as Ex1

                                  • Ex wife 2– will be referred to as Ex2

                                  • Baby Mama– The woman who claims she is the mother of Rogers’ two year old daughter

                                  • Carrissa– The woman from Indiana who claims to have had years-long relationship with Rogers, including an intimate relationship

                                  • Tabitha– Another woman who claims to have had an extensive affair with Rogers

                                  • Keith– Tabitha’s ex husband

                                  • Miss C– woman who gave same testimonies to Carrissa and Baby Mama about Marcus Rogers

                                  • Anonymous source (AS)– a party who provided extensive record of communication with Ex2

                                  • Anon 1– Anonymous woman who gave testimony about her interactions with Marcus

                                  • Anon 2-Anonymous woman who gave testimony about her interactions with Marcus

                                  • Anon 3 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus

                                  • Anon 4 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus

                                  • Anon 5 Anonymous woman who gave her testimony about her interactions with Marcus


                                We have extensive text messages from an anonymous source where Ex2 discusses her marriage and divorce and co-parenting with Marcus Rogers. Among her assertions are that


                                  • He tried to keep her from working outside the home and isolated her from others

                                  • He had multiple affairs

                                  • She befriended one of his mistresses (Carrissa) and warned another girlfriend he was bad news.

                                  • She objected to the way Marcus used his kids as “props” in videos

                                  • She was seriously physically abused by Marcus on several occassions

                                  • He emotionally abused his children by kidnapping them on several occassions and using them to control her behavior

                                  • He has often been delinquent in child support payments

                                  • He doesn’t speak well of anyone he knows, makes fun of those who consider him a friend

                                  • She calls him a “scam artist” and a “fraud”

                                  • He entirely made up a story where his daughter had been molested by classmates at school. He made a video prompting her to tell the story in detail for about ten minutes. Ex2 says her daughter had not even been in school that day and that perhaps one little boy had kissed her at one point but that was all. She stated that the entire story was made up by Marcus and he coached her to tell it on the video.

                                  • Stated he told her he was a big fan of Cardi B, though for years he had complained that Ex2 was “too worldly” and not attractive enough

                                  • Marcus claims they are on good terms when they are not

                                  • She hasn’t spoken out against him for concern of how he will use the kids for revenge

                                  • None of the pastors in the churches they attended wanted to be associated with him

                                  • She found pictures of one pastor’s underage daughter on his computer, he refused to delete them

                                  • She corroborates the incident at the church in Tennessee and affirms Marcus lied about it


                                Met Marcus Rogers online through a fake page, claims he proposed and planned to marry him. Among our receipts:


                                  • Text messages between Marcus and Tabitha

                                  • Receipts from a florist for wedding flowers

                                  • Social media posts and voicemails from Tabitha’s ex, Keith

                                  • Affirmation from Carrissa that her experience and the wording, patterns and methods used by Marcus in his communication with her were similar to Tabitha’s

                                  • Texts from Tabitha’s friends stating they believed she was going to marry Marcus Rogers

                                  • Friends texts state Marcus and Tabitha spent a night in a motel in Texas

                                  • Both Tabitha and Carrissa were present at the church in Tennessee when Carrissa attempted to confront Marcus

                                Keith- Tabitha’s ex


                                  • As noted above voice mails from him indicate he really believed it was Marcus Rogers that was trying to scam his ex wife

                                  • Keith Robinson claims to have been arrested because of some incident involving Marcus Rogers

                                Baby Mama

                                From Louisiana, has had a relationship with Marcus for three years and has a 2-year-old daughter by him. Her statements include:


                                  • Extensive descriptions of her and Marcus co-parenting a child.

                                  • Baby was conceived before Marcus married Jazmin

                                  • Jazmin was aware of baby and Marcus’s ongoing relationship with her and their baby

                                  • Marcus has sent financial support to her

                                  • Marcus proposed to her before proposing to Jazmin, their relationship was apparently going on at the same time Jazmin and Marcus were dating

                                  • Jazmin agreed to an open marriage

                                  • Said Jazmin and Marcus were dating for three years prior to engagement

                                  • Marcus has visited numerous times and also does Facetime calls.

                                  • Baby Mama became pregnant a second time with Marcus but aborted the baby, Claims she could not stand the thought of him having more involvement in her life

                                  • Expressed concern multiple times over an incurable contagious disease Marcus had

                                  • Met Marcus through a fake social media profile

                                  • Claims to have made a sex tape with Marcus

                                  • Has extensive knowledge of an investigation by the FBI into Marcus’ online scamming

                                  • Stated she knew he had had sex with men.

                                  • Was friends with Carrissa and Miss C over a long period of time

                                  • When asked where Miss C is from, she answered Jamaica or Nigeria

                                  • Baby Mama does not allow Jazmin to visit with their baby


                                Met Marcus online, while he was married at Fort Campbell. Says they are still in contact periodically to this day. Her statements include:


                                  • She confronted him at a church in Tennessee with his wife present.

                                  • Confirms that Tabitha was also at the church that day

                                  • Says he would visit her on weekend trips to Chicago to see his kids

                                  • Says she knew he used fake profiles to talk to women

                                  • Says he still uses fake profiles and phone numbers to contact her.

                                  • Has befriended almost all the women in this video at some point

                                  • Claims he has been scamming since his Army days

                                  • Claims he told her about his bisexuality

                                  • Said Marcus made up the Instagram “fake baby mama profile” last fall himself, and used it to contact her

                                  • Claims to have knowledge of his involvement in Nigerian profile fraud scheme.

                                Miss C

                                All we know about her is what was said by Carrissa and Baby Mama, the following are not direct quotes:


                                  • Miss C was conned by Marcus. He gained her trust and she agreed to give him $100. She said he then hacked that bank account and took $1500. That account was actually her son’s account. He was in the Army, so the Army got involved and called the FBI to investigate. It appears the investigation hit a dead end when then it led to Nigeria and the FBI had no authority to go further

                                  • Miss C affirmed Marcus told her that Marcus was getting married in February.

                                  • Baby Mama stated that she and Miss C had the same phone number to reach Marcus

                                Anon 1

                                The anonymous woman who did a phone interview with Saiko These are her statements:


                                  • Spoke to Carrissa, they agreed that their experiences were similar

                                  • Marcus referred to her as his wife

                                  • He wanted her to meet him in Texas for a weekend

                                  • She initially gave him some money. He became angry and distant when she refused to give more

                                  • Did not meet him in person

                                  • He talked about going on a road trip to pick up his kids in Chicago.

                                Anon 2

                                An anonymous woman who had text conversations with Carrissa. Her statements include:


                                  • Marcus told her the true story of the incident at the Tennessee church- that he left immediately without talking to her

                                Anon 3

                                Anonymous woman had text conversations with Carrissa. Her statements include:


                                  • Told Carrissa she observed lots of women on Marcus’s social media pages making similar claims of romance with him

                                  • Admits Marcus asked her for money, nude pics

                                  • Does not want any more involvement in his affairs but does not like to see other women being used

                                Anon 4

                                Text conversation with Saiko. Her statements include:


                                  • Did not want to talk extensively but affirmed that he was a scammer

                                Anon 5

                                Text message conversation with Saiko. Her statements include:


                                  • Admits to being scammed by Marcus

                                  • Was invited to meet him at several of his out of town events

                                  • She describes how he involved her and her sister in a check fraud scheme


                                Marcus’s first ex-wife has not made any comments directly about her relationship with him. But we do have a Facebook post made by her sister where she asserts:


                                  • Marcus was unfaithful to Ex1

                                  • Marcus divorced Ex1 while stationed in Virginia by going to a distant county and filing a claim for divorce based on him not being able to locate her (abandonment)

                                  • Ex1 left Virginia before the birth of their son because she said Marcus was unfaithful and abusive

                                  • Ex1 accepted the divorce on advice from Chicago pastor Ric Gonzales (ICF church in Chicago)

                                  • Ex1 and Ex2 were both married by the same pastor at Peninsula Pentecostals Church in Virginia (JR Arango)

                                –End of content summary from the video slides–

                                Some common threads observed:


                                  • Similar methods patterns and styles of communication

                                  • Multiple reports of his alleged bisexuality

                                  • Mulitple reports of apparent financial scamming- asking for money under false pretenses

                                  • Multiple reports of having met him through fake pages then meeting him in person

                                  • Multiple reports of him having a blood-borne contagious disease.

                                  • Similarities in how financial scamming was done through social media

                                  • References to connections in Nigeria

                                  • References to an FBI investigation

                                  • Multiple claims that Marcus and Jazmin got married in February, not August

                                  • Multiple claims of having met up with Marcus in Texas or asked to meet him there

                                  • Multiple claims of Marcus calling them “wifey” or “wife”

                                  • Phone numbers used by Marcus were confirmed by multiple women

                                Some further notes


                                  • Marcus Rogers refuses to get his accounts verified and says that all social media platforms refuse to verify his account because they hate Christians

                                  • Marcus Rogers told his followers he got engaged in July 2019 and showed pics of a wedding ceremony in August 2019. In February 2021 He showed pics of himself and Jazmin in their same wedding attire outdoors in clearly a winter month. There was no description on the post.

                                  • This blog has a copy of the video referenced by Ex2 in which Marcus asked his daughter to describe an alleged sexual incident at her school. We have no intention of posting it to protect the child but can affirm that Ex2 is not fabricating this.

                                  • This blog has 3 contributors who attest to seeing a video posted by Marcus immediately after the Tennessee church incident where Marcus said he had been “attacked by a demon possessed woman” He made statements explaining that he left because “he thought she might have a gun” and “he might have to punch her” He deleted that video within an hour and no one has a copy of it. This blog did a report on the incident immediately after it happened. You can read it on the page titled “Confusion and Controversy

                                  • ICF Pastor Ric Gonzales has partnered with Marcus at revival events

                                  • More evidence will be presented in the near future

                                Click here to see the all of the receipts

                                –end of the article–