March 29, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

Isaiah Saldivar

Platforms: Facebook Instagram, Youtube

Associations: Matt Cruz, Marcus Rogers, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Sid Roth 

Ministry Isaiah, The 209 Awakening 

Testimony: Claims he heard the audible voice of God at a revival telling him he was going to preach the gospel,from his website: his cross-less testimony  
Notes: Teaches Prosperity gospel, Ministry relies heavily on deliverance, believes born again believers can be possessed by demons. Works based gospel.


The Apostasy Files Hot Take

Isaiah stands out a bit from his deliverance cronies in one way.  He spends more time teaching expositionally from the Word and sometimes he even gets it right.  He claims to have gone to a 4 year Bible college though nowhere online can this be confirmed

Unfortunately it makes him more dangerous, because it’s harder for newer and less knowledgeable believers to discern his truth from error, and his errors are huge.

Though loud and as arrogant as the others, he does sometimes apologize for poor behavior and at least makes an effort to occassionally reign in his supporters who are like many of those that follow false teachers and get very aggressive in their defense of their heroes. Overall he is better at taking the high road than most of his peers.  He’s been the most vocal with calling out those who are even more off base and demonic than himself and drawing some lines with the likes of Passion Java and TB Joshua.  A clever one, this one.  It makes him harder to set apart.

Since he teaches bad doctrines, leads people astray, refuses correction and is every bit a money grabber, he loses that high ground in our view.

Exhibit 1

Chris Rosebrough from Fighting for the Faith shows us the problematic teaching of Saldivar.  Saldivar teaches that signs and wonders are REQUIRED for salvation. And he laughs when talking about it now.  

Exhibit 3

This 5 part series gives 5 examples of Saldivar’s false teaching.

Part 1-Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the individual, but rather we desire to expose the error in the teaching in hopes to spread the true message of by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone !!!

Parts 2 through 5- Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! 

Exhibit 4

Youtuber Daniel C shows the event where Saldivar nearly choked a woman to death while trying to cast out a demon.  He has explained that at the time, he was still new to learning how to perform a deliverance.  Wouldn’t it be great to hear the woman’s side of that story?

Exhibit 5

Jon Clash explains how Isaiah’s gospel is false.  

Exhibit 5

You Tube Channel Revealing Truth posted this video about Isaiah’s false teachings about deliverance

Exhibit 6

Youtube channel Kdubtru exposes Saldivar’s false teaching of demon possession.

Exhibit 7

Exhibit 8

The Love Agenda channel breaks down several of Isaiah’s false teachings.  Like many deliverance teachers, Isaiah peddles fear of demons, claiming Christinas can be possessed by “spirits”Like Leviathan, Jezebel, Marine Kingdom psirits and many more.

Exhibit 9

This video from Sean at Revealing truth- explaining how he uses dramatics to entice viewers and claims he himself has a demon.  Below is his appearance on Sid Roth’s show.  In the old days when false teachers like Isaiah met in tents, the deep breath emoting was a tactic that they tried to explain as involuntary-it was due to the Holy Spirit speaking through them.  Most charlatans have moved on from this, but not Isaiah

Exhibit 10