February 22, 2025

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

🌽Corny Doctrine Alert🌽Rebellion is the sin of Witchcraft

corny false doctrine rebellion is witchraft
Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft? All sin is rebellion against God. False teachers really stretch the Bible to make this doctrine work.

This is a twisting of 1 Sam 15:23. It has sometimes been used by heretics to instill fear that people who rebel against spiritual authority (themselves, for example!) are guilty of the sin of witchcraft. This is serious! Marcus Rogers likes to take it out of context to more generally `imply that rebellion (all? just the sin he wants to judge others for? he’s not clear) is witchcraft. Guys, you can’t leave out the word “as”, and you can’t try to equate any or all sin with actual witchcraft.

Now that you know what you look for, don’t fall it!

More Corny Doctrines Here!