December 22, 2024

The Apostasy Files

Bringing Accountability Where None Exists

🌽Another Corny False Teacher Doctrine🌽Jesus Hung Out with Sinners

Corny False Doctrine Jesus Hung out with sinners
Another Corny doctrine misused by many teachers. Didn't Jesus hang out with sinners?

Yes and no. Context is key. Jesus only “hung out” with sinners to seek and save the lost. He didn’t join in their sin or condone it or even ignore it. And he didn’t do this every day either. He spent much more time in prayer, teaching, and having fellowship with his disciples.

Be careful when you hear this teaching paired with teaching that God loves everyone and forgives everyone. God loves and forgives his children who repent of their sin and worship Him in spirit and in truth. God will judge those who never repent. He does show them love in that every day they have another day to repent. This short video explains in more detail.

Don’t fall for it!!

More about identifying false teaching and false teachers here.