This video makes a strong case that Sid Roth gives a large platform to the worst charlatans out there. Furthermore, it politely and sincerely rebukes Michael Brown, who flaunts his doctorate degree from NYU, a very secular university, as a penultimate irrefutable credential as an authority of the spiritual authenticity of just about any ministry. Brown is well known for endorsing charlatans, going as far as to vehemently insist that anyone suggesting Sid Roth is a charlatan himself is slandering.
Even though Brown will often profess a fairly orthodox gospel, he endorses terribly false teachers and his arguments are often simply ad ignoratiam-he says he has no knowledge of any heresy. Basically, innocent til proven guilty, except Brown won’t take even a moment to observe the claims of a charlatan and thus ignores the mandate of scripture to examine teachers, test their teaching for Biblical soundness and reject false teaching. This is super dangerous. These guys are the worst of what we call heretic huggers.
✨Video of the Day by Justin Peters & The Messed Up Church✨

Sid Roth is the host of a very popular show that airs on several Christian cable networks and Youtube. It's called It's Supernatural. Michael Brown. host of the radio program, The Line of Fire, wholeheartedly supports Roth. Together they are a dangerous tag team of deception.