✨Video of the Day✨Marcus Rogers Fantastically Fraudulent Flip Flop✨

Marcus Rogers proves once again that he will shamelessly use the name of God to promote himself, then pretend it never happened
Following in the footsteps of Christians from the first century to today, The Apostasy Files seeks to expose those leading others into apostasy through heresy. The internet age has empowered false teachers, but the Bible remains true and unchanged. Readers are encouraged to examine all the evidence and equip themselves with the truth in this era of falsehoods.
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Marcus Rogers proves again he uses God’s name to promote himself. He told us repeatedly for years in the most convincing of terms that GOD TOLD him the church needs more unity. In fact, God would be punishing those who didn’t do whatever God told Marcus. He also scolded anyone who questioned his false doctrines of causing division and destroying unity. Hmmm, interesting how something God told him is the thing that most interferes with his financial gain, no?
Fast forward to late 2023. his short lived “unity” with the pack of wolves known as demon slayers- more spiritual grifters looking for fame and fortune, disintegrated into an embarrassing public drama where they all turned on each other. Some have kept their group together to continue to make movies and hold conferences for profit, but Marcus is out. In a last ditch effort to save face, he made a video threatening to expose his former cronies with allegedly incriminating private messages. He got no response whatsoever.
So since then, Marcus has done a 180 on unity. Did God change his mind? Hard to say because Marcus only talks about his own feelings on the topic.
More on Marcus Rogers